bouyagas / PERN_template

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PERN Single Page Application Template

What is this?

Template to get started on a PERN stack Single Page Application (PostgreSQL, Express, React.js, Node.js)

Technology Used

Getting Started

Install Node Module with

$ npm install

Run Webpack build and tell webpack to continue to watch for changes

$ npm run watch
  • The watch script is used for developmnet. It "watches" your src/ directory for any changes and rebuilds your React Client to

Open another terminal window and start your server

$ npm start

What's in the box?

Configuration Files

  • webpack.config.js - Our webpack configuration for bundlign our client application
  • .babelrc - Babel configuration file
  • scripts/ - Contains scripts to be run at deployment (look into the package.json to see where each script should be used)

Back End (API)

  • server.js - Express server entry point
  • routes/ - Empty directory to store all of your server's API routes
  • models/ - Empty directory to store all of your models
  • db/ - Our database directory containing:
    • db.js
      • This is the database connection module that will use our Postgres ENV variables stored in our .env file
    • schema.sql
      • Empty SQL file that can be used to setup and edityour applications relations
      • You can run this file in your CLI using psql -d <your_databaase> -f db/schema.sql
    • seeds.sql
      • Empty SQL file that can used to seed your database
      • You can run this file in your CLI using psql -d <your_databaase> -f db/seeds.sql

Front End (React Client)

  • src/ - Contains all of our React client's files
    • index.js - The client application's entry point as defined in our webpack config
    • components/ - Directory to store all of our React components
      • App.jsx - Our React applicaiton container component
      • App.css - Basic styling for the Hello World application (check out the demo link of how to use css modules in the Technology Used section above)
      • normaliz.css - (Necolas's)[] CSS normalize

Special Thanks

Webpack configuration inspired by Jason Seminara's React To Do Application




Language:JavaScript 75.1%Language:Shell 21.0%Language:CSS 3.9%