boudhayan / Algorithm-Solutions-In-Swift

This repository contains 250+ data structures and algorithms solutions from AlgoExpert, LeetCode & HackerRank in Swift πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸ’»

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Algorithms Solutions in Swift

This repository contains solutions from AlgoExpert, LeetCode & HackerRank in Swift programming language.

Suggestions and contributions are welcome.

Serial No. Problem Solution Time Complexity Space Complexity Notes
1 3D Surface Area Link _ _ _
2 Almost Sorted Link _ _ _
3 Binary Search Trees Link _ _ _
4 Bitwise AND Link _ _ _
5 Convert Decimal to Binary Link _ _ _
6 Count Pairs Link _ _ _
7 Encryption Link _ _ _
8 Extra Long Factorials Link _ _ _
9 Larry's Array Link _ _ _
10 Merge Sort Link _ _ _
11 Palindrome String Link _ _ _
12 Reverse String Link _ _ _
13 Sum of Natural Number Link _ _ _
14 Tic Tac Toe Winner Link _ _ _
15 Two Strings Link _ _ _
Serial No. Problem Solution Time Complexity Space Complexity Notes
1 3 Sum Closest Link _ _ _
2 Merge Intervals Link _ _ _
3 Divide Two Integers Link _ _ _
4 Single Number Link _ _ _
5 Majority Element Link _ _ _
6 Three Number Sum Zero Link _ _ _
7 Binary Search Link _ _ _
8 First Bad Version Link _ _ _
9 Search Insert Position Link _ _ _
10 Merge Intervals Link _ _ _
11 Sort Colors Link _ _ _
12 Design HashMap Link _ _ _
13 Squares of a Sorted Array Link _ _ _
14 Rotate Array Link _ _ _
15 Move Zeros to End Link _ _ _
16 Two Sum - Input Array Sorted Link _ _ _
17 Pascal's Triangle - II Link _ _ _
18 Rotate Image Link _ _ _
19 Spiral Matix II Link _ _ _
20 Reverse String Link _ _ _
21 Reverse Words in a String Link _ _ _
22 Search in a 2D Matrix Link _ _ _
23 Erase Overlapping Intervals Link _ _ _
24 Middle of the Linked List Link _ _ _
25 Remove Nth Node from End of the Linked List Link _ _ _
26 Longest Substring without Repeating Characters Link _ _ _
27 Permutation in a String Link _ _ _
28 Increasing Triplet Subsequence Link _ _ _
29 Porduct of Array Except Self Link _ _ _
30 Sub Array Sum Equals K Link _ _ _
31 Add Strings Link _ _ _
32 Longest Palindrome Link _ _ _
33 Word Pattern Link _ _ _
34 Partition Labels Link _ _ _
35 Group Anagrams Link _ _ _
36 Multiply Strings Link _ _ _
37 Flood Fill Link _ _ _
38 Max Area of Island Link _ _ _
39 Merge Two Binary Trees Link _ _ _
40 Populatng Next Right Pointer In Each Node Link _ _ _
41 Three Sum Smaller Link _ _ _
42 Spiral Matrix Link _ _ _
43 Valid Parentheses Link _ _ _
44 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Link _ _ _
45 Longest Palindrome Link _ _ _
46 Subsets Link _ _ _
47 Convert Time with Minimum Operations Link _ _ _
48 Find Players with Zero or One Loses Link _ _ _
49 Largest Integer Digit Swap By Parity Link _ _ _
50 Container with Most Water Link _ _ _
51 License Key Formatting Link _ _ _
52 Unique Email Addresses Link _ _ _
53 Sort By Parity Link _ _ _
54 Maximum Bags with Full Capacity of Rocks Link _ _ _
55 Search 2D Matrix II Link _ _ _
56 Remove Duplicates Sorted Array Link _ _ _
57 Remove Element Link _ _ _
Serial No. Problem Solution Time Complexity Space Complexity Notes
1 Breadth First Search Link _ _ _
2 Array of Products Link _ _ _
3 Binary Search Tree Construction Link _ _ _
4 Binary Search Tree Traversal Link _ _ _
5 Binary Search Link _ _ _
6 Binary Tree Diameter Link _ _ _
7 Branch Sums Link _ _ _
8 Bubble Sort Link _ _ _
9 Caesar Cipher Encryptor Link _ _ _
10 Class Photos Link _ _ _
11 Depth First Search Link _ _ _
12 Find Closest Value in Binary Search Tree Link _ _ _
13 Find Loop in Linked List Link _ _ _
14 Find Successor Link _ _ _
15 Find Three Largest Numbers Link _ _ _
16 First Duplicate Value Link _ _ _
17 First Non-Repeating Character Link _ _ _
18 Four Number Sum Link _ _ _
19 Generate Document Link _ _ _
20 Invert Binary Tree Link _ _ _
21 Insertion Sort Link _ _ _
22 Largest Range Link _ _ _
23 Linked List Construction Link _ _ _
24 Longest Palindromic Substring Link _ _ _
25 Longest Peak Link _ _ _
26 Max Subset Sum No Adjacent Link _ _ _
27 Merge Linked Lists Link _ _ _
28 Merge Overlapping Intervals Link _ _ _
29 Merge Sort Link _ _ _
30 Minimum Height Binary Search Tree Link _ _ _
31 Minimum Waiting Time Link _ _ _
32 Monotonic Array Link _ _ _
33 Move Element To End Link _ _ _
34 Node Depths Link _ _ _
35 Non-Constructible Change Link _ _ _
36 Nth Fibonacci Number Link _ _ _
37 Palindrome Check Link _ _ _
38 Prodcut Sum Link _ _ _
39 Quick Sort Link _ _ _
40 Remove Duplicates From Linked List Link _ _ _
41 Remove kth Node From End Link _ _ _
42 Reverse Linkedlist Link _ _ _
43 Run Length Encoding Link _ _ _
44 Search For Range Link _ _ _
45 Search in Sorted Matrix Link _ _ _
46 Selection Sort Link _ _ _
47 Shifted Binary Search Link _ _ _
48 Single Cycle Check Link _ _ _
49 Smallest Difference Link _ _ _
50 Sorted Squared Array Link _ _ _
51 Spiral Traverse Link _ _ _
52 Subarray Sort Link _ _ _
53 Sum of Linkedlist Link _ _ _
54 Tandem Bicycle Link _ _ _
55 Three Number Sort Link _ _ _
56 Three Number Sum Link _ _ _
57 Tournament Winner Link _ _ _
58 Two Number Sum Link _ _ _
59 Validate Binary Search Tree Link _ _ _
60 Validate Subsequence Link _ _ _
61 ZigZag Traverse Link _ _ _
62 Valid Starting City Link _ _ _
63 Task Assignment Link _ _ _
64 Min Rewards Link _ _ _
65 Kadanes Algorithm Link _ _ _
66 Calender Matching Link _ _ _
67 Balanced Brackets Link _ _ _
68 Apartment Hunting Link _ _ _
69 Group Anagrams Link _ _ _
70 Valid IP Addresses Link _ _ _
71 Permutations Link _ _ _
72 Power Sets Link _ _ _

Note: ReadMe file does not contain all the solution links from this repo. It is still in progress and I am updating in my free time.


This repository contains 250+ data structures and algorithms solutions from AlgoExpert, LeetCode & HackerRank in Swift πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸ’»


Language:Swift 100.0%