bottlehs / DgrmJS

DgrmJS is a JavaScript library for creating SVG flow diagrams. The main goal of the library is to set up workflows in BPM (Business Process Management) systems. Works on desktop and mobile, has no dependency, 3.5 KB gzipped.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



DgrmJS is a JavaScript library for creating SVG flow diagram editors.
The main goal of the library is to set up workflows in BPM (Business Process Management) systems.

  • Works on desktop and mobile
  • Has no dependency
  • 3.5 KB gzipped

Demo: diagram editor


JavaScript SVG diagram editor 6.5 times smaller than Bootstrap
JavaScript diagram editor that renders diagrams from PNG images (open source)
JavaScript text editor for SVG

Main idea

  • Allow developers to use standard SVG objects and features to declaratively create shapes that will be used in the diagram.
    To create shape, developers should add special data- attributes to standard SVG markup. So any svg images can be used as a shape in a diagram.
  • DgrmJS dispatch events, like ‘shape is selected’ or ‘shape is connecting to another shape’.
    Developers can use these events to implement their own logic, for example, make a JSON description of the workflow.

How to use

See a minimalistic example - GitHub repository: DgrmJS Example.


From npm:

npm i dgrm

Simple shape

This is a circle shape:

<svg id="diagram" style="touch-action: none;">
		<!-- shape template 'circle' -->
		<g data-templ="circle">
			<circle ... />
			<!-- inner named element,
			we can use 'data-key' value as a key
			in shapeAdd(...) method -->
			<text data-key="text"></text>
	<g data-key="canvas"></g>
<script type="module">
	import { svgDiagramCreate } from './diagram/svg-presenter/svg-diagram-factory.js';

	const diagram = svgDiagramCreate(document.getElementById('diagram'))

	// add shape to canvas
		// template name
		// (value of the 'data-templ' attribute)
		templateKey: 'circle',
		position: { x: 120, y: 120 },
		props: {
			// inner svg element with 'data-key=text'
			// will get 'textContent' value 'Title'
			text: { textContent: 'Title' }

diagram.shapeAdd method add to canvas shape:

  • created by template with name "circle"
  • to position at point 120, 120
  • props set
    • textContent of the inner element with data-key="text" to "Title"

This way you can set any attribute of any shape object.

Result is a draggable circle with "Title" text:

draggable shape

Add "out connectors" to shape

"Out connector" is an element from which you can draw out a connecting line.
Add data-connect="out" to mark element as a out connector:

<g data-templ="circle">
    <circle ... />
    <text data-key="text"></text>
        out connector
        data-connect-point - point into shape where connector line starts
        data-connect-dir - direction of connector line
        data-connect-dir="right" ...>

draggable shape

Add "in connectors" to shape

"In connector" is an element where you can connect a connection line to a shape.

<g data-templ="circle">
    <circle ... />
    <text data-key="text"></text>
        out connector
        data-connect-point - point into shape where connector line starts
        data-connect-dir - direction of connector line
        data-connect-dir="right" ...>
        in connector
        data-connect-dir="left" ...>

draggable shape


In this example:

  • we subscribe to the select event
  • update title of the selected shape
<svg id="diagram" style="touch-action: none;">
        <!-- shape template 'circle' -->
        <g data-templ="circle">
            <circle ... />
            <!-- inner named element,
                we can use 'data-key' value as a key
                in shapeAdd(...) method -->
            <text data-key="text"></text>
            <!-- connectors -->
            <circle data-connect="out" ...></circle>
            <circle data-connect="in" ...></circle>
    <g data-key="canvas"></g>
<script type="module">
    import { svgDiagramCreate } from './diagram/svg-presenter/svg-diagram-factory.js';
    const diagram = svgDiagramCreate(document.getElementById('diagram'))
        // subscribe to 'select' event
        .on('select', evt => {
            // update selected shape
                props: {
                    text: { textContent: 'New title' }
    // add shape to canvas
        templateKey: 'circle',
        position: { x: 120, y: 120 },
        props: {
            text: { textContent: 'Title' }

draggable shape




Diagram Engine (src/diagram folder)

MIT License

src/diagram folder contains a diagram engine that can be used independently of other project files.
This diagram engine contains all main features (all you need to implement diagram editor in your project):

  • creating shapes with svg templates
  • drag'n'drop
  • connection of shapes
  • diagram events

Source code in src/diagram folder is under the MIT License.

Diagram Extensions (src/diagram-extensions folder)

Commercial License

src/diagram-extensions folder contains additional features, like:

  • export/import to/from png/svg
  • text editor
  • shape editor panel
  • and other

Source code in src/diagram-extensions folder is under the Commercial License.
Contact with me for details.

App (src/app folder)

Commercial License

src/app folder contains diagram builder

Source code in src/app folder is under the Commercial License.
Contact with me for details.


DgrmJS is a JavaScript library for creating SVG flow diagrams. The main goal of the library is to set up workflows in BPM (Business Process Management) systems. Works on desktop and mobile, has no dependency, 3.5 KB gzipped.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 79.6%Language:HTML 12.6%Language:TypeScript 7.8%