bottkars / PKS-pwsh

Powershell Module for Enterprise PKS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a powershell module for Managging Pivotal Enterprise Container Service (PKS). The Modules connect directly to the PKS/UAA API and are written in Powershell. This is an unofficial, community-build module


naming conventions

command names are derived from the REST API Endpints and Powershell verb´s conventions


all modules shall support Pipelining, where applicable

getting Started

  1. Install The Modules

    Install-Module PKS-pwsh -Scope CurrentUser -Force
  2. Connect to PKS API Endpoint You can use Connect-PKSapiEndpoint to connec to you cluster. Note: if not passed to a variable, the token will be displayed. The Token will be set in $Global:PKS_API_HEADERS and used in subsequent commands

    $connection=Connect-PKSapiEndpoint -PKS_API_URI -user

Cluster Controls

Cluster Controls are used to create, modify and scale pks clusters

Getting PKS CLuster(s)

Getting a list of PKS Clusters:


Create a new Cluster

New-PKSclusters -clustername snoopy -plan small -worker 1 -master_fqdn snoopy.pks.labbuildr.local

Get Cluster State

Get-PKSclusterdetails -name snoopy

Scale a PKS Cluster

Get-PKSclusters -name snoopy | Set-PKSclusters -worker 2

remove a pks cluster

Get-PKSclusters -name snoopy | Remove-PKSclusters

UAA User Controls

UAA User Controls are use to create users in the PKS internal User Account and Authentication Service Mapping of Users / SCOPES from SAML / LDAP or external UAA will be introduced soon

Create a User and add to pks.clusters.manage scope

New-PKSuaaUser -username alana -scopes pks.clusters.manage 

this example will ask for email and password, and than create the user and add the membership(s)

        Supply values for the following parameters:
        email: alana@test
        Password for user alana2: ************

        id                   : 9bb39acc-314c-4c66-b625-b4e3e027d0e4
        meta                 : @{version=0; created=17.09.19 10:16:32; lastModified=17.09.19 10:16:32}
        userName             : alana2
        name                 : @{familyName=alana2; givenName=}
        emails               : {@{value=alana@test; primary=False}}
        groups               : {@{value=7f777f52-869d-41d8-8593-a5ffe4b8eef4;; type=DIRECT}, 
                               @{value=80a714df-0593-45ba-bfb2-2ed9fc33f08c;; type=DIRECT}, 
                               @{value=792b2a4c-e543-423d-80cd-2d9cbd830434; display=uaa.user; type=DIRECT}, 
                               @{value=b9b25fcd-7ea4-42b6-b203-4e6764264f7e; display=profile; type=DIRECT}…}
        approvals            : {}
        active               : True
        verified             : True
        origin               : uaa
        zoneId               : uaa
        passwordLastModified : 17.09.19 10:16:32
        schemas              : {urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0}

Create a UAA User with Setting the Password, no Group Membership

Password must be set as Secure Strings

$Password = "Password123!" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
New-PKSuaaUser -username alana3 -pass $password -email

Asssign Goup Membership Scope to a User

Get-PKSUaaUsers -username alana3 | Set-PKSUaaGroupMember -scopes pks.clusters.admin


Powershell Module for Enterprise PKS


Language:PowerShell 100.0%