bosschaert / ballroom

Common Red Hat GWT style

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About Ballroom

Ballroom is a shared widget library for JBoss projects that build on GWT. Prominent samples are:

  • Drools Guvnor
  • JBossAS 7
  • Riftsaw
  • JBPM 5
  • Savarra

Participating in Ballroom

Running the showcase

The showcase should give an idea what widgets exists and what functionality they offer. It's work in progress and subject to continuous improvements. But in general the widget set should be kept small and straight forward.

Running the showcase is simple:

cd showcase
mvn clean gwt:run

Using ballroom in your project

In order to use ballroom you need to import the GWT module descriptor:


	<inherits name=""/>

	<replace-with class="">
        <when-type-is class=""/>

Ballroom ships with two different styles. One for projects and another one for branded RH products:

* <inherits name=""/>
* <inherits name=""/>

Library dependencies

We tried to keep the dependencies to a minimum, but some framework dependencies need to be provided if you want to leverage all provided widgets. Apart from GWT > 2.2, ballroom depends on these API's:

  • GWT Event Bus
  • AutoBean Factory
  • GWTP PlaceManager

These framework dependencies are provided through an simple SPI interface:

public interface Framework {

    EventBus getEventBus();
    PlaceManager getPlaceManager();
    AutoBeanFactory getBeanFactory();

A specific implementation is declared through the module descriptor:

	<replace-with class="">
        <when-type-is class=""/>

Releasing ballroom

Please make sure to run the 'release' profile, when doing a relase. And remember: No snapshots allowed!


Common Red Hat GWT style


Language:Java 91.7%Language:JavaScript 8.3%