borntofrappe / rho

A good looking todo app built with flutter.

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A good looking task-taking app.


In the figma sub-folder you find a few images describing the overall concept behind the application, both in terms of design and features.

At the time of writing I plan to create a task-taking app which allows to add, check, edit and delete tasks.


In the demos sub-folder you find helper scripts I create to distill parts of the larger application.


With EmptyState I create the visual displayed by default in the home screen, when there are no tasks to-be-listed. Refer to 01 - home.png for the general idea.

The decoration is made up of three overlapping elements, two semi-transparent boxes and one solid icon. Use BackdropFilter to blur the background of the topmost box to create the glass-like effect.

Below the decoration include a text widget.

I created the widget to receive optional arguments and customize its appearance. In the current design you can change the color of the decoration, the icon displayed on top of the glass and the text widget.

Note that it is necessary to import dart:ui library to use ImageFilter.blur.


In the application the idea is to create a new task through the floating action button. Tap said button to show a text input in the bottom section of the screen, compose the task and confirm the text. With the demo I focus on the way the text input is supposed to appear, in the form of a general dialog.

Use showGeneralDialog to generate the visual above the page. Past the required fields, context and pageBuilder, specify how the dialog appears, with a slide transition and from the bottom of the screen.

In pageBuilder describe the appearance of the dialog with a column with two children, one to show the text-input-to-be and one to dismiss the dialog.

I chose to make the widget stateful to also remove the floating action button as the dialog is propped up. Flutter automatically transitions the button when setting the floatingActionButton field to null.


In the dialog the idea is to accept text input to create a task.

With TextInput manage the state of a TextFormField widget with a controller and a focus node.

The widget itself precedes a button to equally receive the input with a button press. Wrap both in a Column and Form widget, so clarify the purpose of the component.

With the controller retrieve the string of text and clear the field.

With the focus node manage remove focus as you ultimately submit the text.

With a boolean variable finally control when the input field is empty, so to change the appearance of the associated button.


Each task is displayed with a ListTile with two main sections, a leading icon and the title of the task itself.

Define a Task class to manage the logic of each task item. At the time of writing the task has only two fields for its label and complete status.

Define a hard-coded list of tasks to test out the design of the tile.

In the demo I use a ListView.separated widget but I am in the process of researching alternative solutions considering sliver lists specifically.

Most importantly for the functionality of the application the list tile needs to accommodate different gestures:

  • a tap on the leading icon should result in the task being marked as complete or unmark as unfinished

  • a tap on the tile should allow to edit the tile through the same dialog discussed in a previous demo

  • a long press on the tile should allow to select the tile, with the ultimate goal of deleting the piece


The application differentiates tasks first showing unfinished tasks and then, optionally, completed ones. The demo creates a stateless widget Tasks which receives a list of tasks and uses ListView.separated to display the individual tiles. It is necessary to set shrinkWrap to true to have Flutter evaluate the size of the widgets, which might create issues as the lists grow in size and animations.

To optionally show the completed variant use an ExpansionTile widget with a custom icon in place of the one added in the trailing field. Remove this default setting the field to an empty widget like ExcludeSemantics.


As prefaced in the lists demo shrinkWrap is potentially problematic as the application computes the size of the entire widget to allocate the necessary space. Slivers promise to fix the issue with dedicated widgets: CustomScrollView, SliverList and SliverChildBuilderDelegate.

To add space between successive list items I follow the example provided in the accessibility section of SliverChildBuilderDelegate: add twice the number of items, include a SizedBox for every other item, update the index to provide the correct semantics.

Past the sliver widgets devoted to the list the demo introduces SliverPadding and SliverToBoxAdapter, since CustomScrollView requires a list of slivers instead of widgets.

SliverToBoxAdapter is used to incorporate a list tile to replace the functionality of ExpansionTile. Tap on the tile to toggle the visibility of the sliver list devoted to completed tasks.

In the process I lost the transition built-in the expansion widget, and I could add a small effect with SliverAnimatedOpacity, but the functionality might become redundant considering AnimatedSliverList.


Since there are two lists it is reasonable to create two separate collections, but the demo focuses on one list only, and the animation connected to a task being added to the home screen. I intend to implement an animation in which a new task appears with a fade-in transition, at the top of the list. Any subsequent task in the list should move vertically to make space for the new item.

Here's how I managed to implement the effect:

  • use a SizeTransition in a SliverAnimatedList sliver. This step completes most of the animation, but does create a small annoying effect for the first item, which grows in size and does not fade in

  • fade in the entire list with SliverAnimatedOpacity

Flutter offers SliverFadeTransition with a more hands-on, imperative transition which could also help to achieve the fade-in effect, perhaps delaying the transition just a bit for the first item to be grown in size and avoid the growth of the clipped area. For items past the first one the effect is less evident as all the list adjusts to make space for the new task.


As a list item is tapped, specifically on the leading icon, remove the task from the first list and add it to the second.



Instead of setting the colors for the decoration in the widget use two color values set on the context's color scheme.

Set the color scheme value in the instance of MaterialApp so that the value cascade throughout the entire application.


Outside of using the colors set through the theme widget set resizeToAvoidBottomInset to false so that the widgets included in the body of the scaffold widget do not translate as the keyboard appears.


In the context of the dialog generated through the floating action button it is possible to use the focus node and to condition the floating action button itself.

Following this option it is also possible to make the general dialog dismissible. Note that barrierLabel becomes necessary to allow the dismissible feature.

It would be possible to make TextInput a stateless widget, since you ultimately manage the associated logic from Home. Ultimately I decided to maintain the stateful nature so that the widget manages the logic associated with the button, updating _isEmpty in the onChanged field. The controller and focus node are themselves lifted up to the parent widget.


Use the empty state of the _tasks list to animate the opacity of the sliver list, but also the movement from the decorative widget EmptyState.


A good looking todo app built with flutter.


Language:Dart 95.7%Language:Swift 3.1%Language:Kotlin 0.9%Language:Objective-C 0.3%