borman / clighter

VIM plugin to improve c-family development environment based on Clang

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Clighter: VIM plugin to improve c-family development environment based on Clang


Clighter(C Lighter) is a vim plugin that integrates libclang to improve development environment for c-family programming. Clighter provides following features currently:

  • Syntax(semantic) highlighting
  • Cursor word highlighting
  • Customizable color of highlighting
  • Experimental function to for rename-refactoring

Clighter GIF demo


Clighter requires the following:

  • Vim version 7.4+ with python2.x enabled
  • libclang(3.5 is recommended)
  • Clighter has been tested in linux platform only.


  • Vundle Install:
Bundle 'bbchung/clighter'
  • Manuall Install

Untar the clighter.tar.gz to your vim path.



Clighter automatically start while g:clighter_autostart == 1.

Default: 1

let g:clighter_autostart = 0


The compiler options for Clang. Clighter will pass these options to libclang to parse the code. Notice that bad options will cause clighter not working even crashing. For convenience, you can use vim session to remember this option.

Default: '["-Iinclude"]'

let g:ClighterCompileArgs = '["-x", "c++", "-std=c++", "-DLinux"]'


Clighter try to find libclang-3.5 in your system automatically, if clighter doesn't find the libclang or other version of libclang is used, you need set this path.

Default: ''

let g:clighter_libclang_file = '/usr/lib/'


The prompt level of rename refactoring.

0: no prompt

1: prompt while do cross buffer renaming

2: prompt of each word that going to be replaced

Default: 1

let g:clighter_rename_prompt_level = 1


0: disable

1: enable

Default: 1

let g:clighter_enable_cross_rename = 1


Define the token type of syntax to highlight.


['clighterMacroInstantiation', 'clighterStructDecl', 'clighterClassDecl', 'clighterEnumDecl', 'clighterEnumConstantDecl', 'clighterTypeRef', 'clighterDeclRefExprEnum']


Enable cursor highlight by default

Default: 1

let g:clighter_cursor_hl_default = 0

Commands and Functions

Clighter provides these commands and functions.

  • Enable Clighter


  • Disable Clighter


  • Toggle cursor highlighting


  • Rename-refactor

    • It's a experimental function, and it's maybe not reliable.
    • It's not project scoped(the scope is opend vim buffer list).
    • Strongly recommend that backing up all files before calling this function.


    For convenience, you can add key mapping in your vimrc:

     nmap <silent> <Leader>r :call clighter#Rename()<CR>
  • Set clang compile args in runtime

    call clighter#SetCompileArgs()

Customize Colors

Clighter defines these syntax groups corresponding to CursorKind of libclang.

  • clighterMacroInstantiation

     hi link clighterMacroInstantiation Constant
  • clighterTypeRef

     hi link clighterTypeRef Identifier
  • clighterStructDecl

     hi link clighterStructDecl Type
  • clighterClassDecl

     hi link clighterClassDecl Type
  • clighterEnumDecl

     hi link clighterEnumDecl Type
  • clighterEnumConstantDecl

     hi link clighterEnumConstantDecl Identifier
  • clighterDeclRefExprEnum

     hi link clighterDeclRefExprEnum Identifier
  • clighterCursorDefRef

     hi link clighterCursorDefRef IncSearch
  • clighterFunctionDecl

     hi link clighterFunctionDecl None
  • clighterDeclRefExprCall

     hi link clighterDeclRefExprCall None
  • clighterMemberRefExpr

     hi link clighterMemberRefExpr None
  • clighterNamespace

     hi link clighterNamespace None

You can customize these colors in your colorscheme, for example:

	hi clighterTypeRef term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermbg=232 ctermfg=255 gui=NONE
	hi clighterClassDecl term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermbg=255 ctermfg=232 gui=NONE


The clighter plugin doesn't work.

Vim version 7.4+ with python2.x is required, and make sure libclang(3.5 is recommended) is installed correctly and set g:clighter_libclang_file if need.

Why rename-refactoring function is an experimental function

Even though libclang provides many useful informations, it's not enough to do cross file rename-refactoring, so Clighter needs to use its own way way to 'guess' what should be renamed. Clighter can't gurantee the result of rename-factoring result is perfect.


VIM plugin to improve c-family development environment based on Clang


Language:Python 96.5%Language:Vim Script 3.5%