borkweb / dotfiles

My current dotfiles

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My current dotfiles


I use neovim rather than plain old vim. With it comes some better performing things. Here are the primary plugins that I leverage:

Plugin What it does Frequent commands
deoplete.nvim Auto-completion
deoplete-phpactor Deoplete support for phpactor
echodoc.vim Auto-completion helper text
editorconfig-vim Observe .editorconfig files
fzf Fuzzy finder (better ctrlp) Mapped to <C-p>
phpfolding.vim Auto-code folding for PHP
nerdcommenter Handy commenting utility Comment: <leader>cc, Uncomment: <leader>cu
nerdtree File navigation Toggle: <C-n>
phpactor PHP auto-completion support
tagbar File structure navigation Toggle: <C-k><C-t>
ultisnips Snippets
undotree Provide a visual undo tree Toggle mapped to F1 (see my mappings.vim)
vdebug Debugging/breakpoints (xdebug) F2 through F12 (but not F8)
vim-airline Pretty vim UI
vim-airline-themes Pretty vim UI
vim-gitgutter Add git status for lines in the vim editor's gutter
vim-polyglot Syntax support for a lot of languages
vim-surround Surround strings with characters or HTML tags Change " to ': cs"'
vim-tmux-navigator Seamlessly navigate between vim and tmux panels <C-h>, <C-j>, <C-k>, and <C-l>

tmux configuration

In my terminal, on launch I run the following command to launch with a tmux session called main for the first terminal that I open and subsequent terminals will not have tmux running by default.

/usr/bin/zsh -c "if ! tmux ls 2>/dev/null | grep -q -E '^main.*attached'; then tmux attach -t main || tmux new -s main; else /usr/bin/zsh; fi"


My current dotfiles

License:MIT License


Language:Vim Script 97.5%Language:Shell 2.5%