borisd / ng-conf-israel-submissions

Use this repo to submit your talk for ng-conf Israel 2015. Fork & Send a PR with your talk

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ng-conf Israel 2015

Use this repo to submit your talk proposals for ng-conf Israel 2015.

TL;DR - Fork & Send a PR with your talk proposal

How to Submit your Proposal

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new directory with a short name (no spaces) that represents your topic.
  3. Create a file with your proposal. See this example.
  4. Add a high quality profile picture of your self, named profile.jpg. This image will be used in case your talk gets accepted.
  5. Commit your changes and submit a pull request back to this repo.
  6. In case you have multiple proposals, repeat this process and submit each of them separately.


The deadline for proposals is April 26, 2015.


We would love to see any AngularJS-related subject. Here are some ideas:

  • Migrating your app to Angular 2.0
  • Forms in Angular 2.0
  • Using React and AngularJS together
  • Building Hybrid Mobile Apps (Ionic or
  • Performance Tuning
  • Production Debugging
  • How you implement testing
  • Transitioning to AngularJS (Case study)
  • Angular Meteor
  • Tooling (Brocolli, JSPM, Gulp, Webpack, etc.)
  • Flux with AngularJS
  • Material Design (case study)

Talk duration can be anywhere between 15 and 40 minutes.


If you need any help with submitting your talk, please create an issue on Github and we will help.


Use this repo to submit your talk for ng-conf Israel 2015. Fork & Send a PR with your talk