boris-fabernovel / git-workshop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Git workshop


Workshop goal: get good practices contributing code in team with git and GitHub:

  • use core git commands,
  • work on branches,
  • submit pull requests for review,
  • keep a clean history,

You will manipulate on a Scala.js playground.

Setup your GitHub account

  1. Create a GitHub account attached to your society.

  2. Update your account avatar, it will be easier for your collaborators to identify you.

Create an SSH key and attach it to your account

  1. Create the key ~/.ssh/id_rsa_society that will be attached to your account:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
  1. Add host to your ssh config:
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_society
  1. Attach your public key ~/.ssh/ to your GitHub account from the GitHub interface.

Setup your git configuration

You are configuring git to use your society email in the folder path-to-society-apps/.

  1. Create path-to-society-apps/.gitconfig:
  email =
  1. Include path-to-society-apps/.gitconfig in .gitconfig:
[includeIf "gitdir:path-to-society-apps/"]
  path = path-to-society-apps/.gitconfig

Fork the repository

  1. Fork zengularity/git-workshop from the GitHub interface.

  2. In options settings, uncheck merge commits and rebase merging, keep only squash commit checked.

  3. In branches settings, protect the master branch in the GitHub setting of your fork:

  • from being forced-pushed,
  • from being deleted,
  • require 1 review before merging a branch into master.
  1. In the collaborators settings, add the person sitting at your left. He will review your pull requests.

Setup the playground

  1. Clone the workshop repository with:
git clone
  1. Install SBT.

  2. Inside the playground directory, launch the playground with:

sbt "~fastOptJS"
  1. Open playground/index.html on your browser.

Get repository information on the CLI

  1. List the previous commits with:
git log # or git log --oneline
  1. Show the details (diff) of the last commit with:
git show
  1. List the local branches:
git branch
  1. List all the branches (with remote):
git branch -a

Add a new feature

You are going to add an arrow which length is the number of todos.

Create a branch

Create a branch and move into it with:

git checkout -b arrow

Add a visualization arrow of the todos

Above the input which let you add todos, add an arrow =====>, with the number of equals corresponding to the number of todos.

  1. Initially 4 todos: ====>
  2. A todo is added: =====>
  3. 2 todos are removed: ===>

When you’re done, stage your files

  1. Look at the files you have modified with:
git status
  1. Look at your unstaged modifications with:
git diff
  1. Add files manually or by group with:
git add file-or-directory # git reset … to undo
  1. Look at the files staged for the next commit with:
git status # The files added previously should be listed
  1. Look at your staged modifications with:
git diff --staged

Prepare a commit

  1. Create a commit for your staged files with:
git commit
  1. The command above open an editor which let you write the commit message, resume your work by beginning with an action verb, like this:
  • Add a login banner on the home page
  • Integrate the project detail page
  • Fix focus on the input component
  1. If you need to, add a description after a blank line.

Push your commit to your repository

  1. Push your commit to origin with:
git push origin arrow
  1. In the command above, origin is the remote URI of your repository. You could have other remotes. Check your repository URI with:
git remote -v

Rename a branch locally and remotely

A developer on the team informs you that you didn’t follow project’s branch naming conventions:

  • feature/user-login
  • fix/server-routes
  • refactor/todo-model
  1. Rename your local branch with:
git branch -m arrow feature/arrow
  1. Rename your remote branch with:
git push -d origin arrow # delete,
git push origin feature/arrow # then create

Improve the arrow

You want to improve the arrow so that it give the information of done todos.

Colorize in green the number of equals in the arrow corresponding to the number of completed todos.

Don’t add your files nor make a commit at this point.

Unexpected demo

You forgot but you have a demo to present. You did not have time to test your work and prefer to show the previous version. You’ll use the stash feature to put your current work aside for the moment.

Stash your files

  1. Check that your stash is actually empty with:
git stash list
  1. Stash your files with:
git stash
  1. Look at the output of:
git status
  1. Check that your stash has ben added with:
git stash list
  1. Check that your arrow is all in black.

Unstash your files

The demo was a success!

  1. Unstash you files with:
git stash pop
  1. Check that your last modified files are back available with:
git status

Prepare a new commit and push it to origin

  1. Let’s say you are using macOS, create .DS_Store in the repository with:
touch .DS_Store
  1. Use a shortcut to add and commit your files:
git commit -a
  1. Push it to origin.

Remove .DS_Store from your commit

Oops, you committed and pushed .DS_Store!

  1. Undo the last commit with:
git reset --soft HEAD^ # or HEAD~1
  1. Check the current status.

  2. Unstage .DS_Store with:

git reset .DS_Store
  1. Commit back with:
git commit -c ORIG_HEAD
  1. Push it to origin with --force.


You want to be sure .DS_Store is not committed the next time. You could add it to either:

  • the project .gitignore,
  • or the global ~/.gitignore.

Since .DS_Store is specific to macOS users and not to the project, you are going to exclude it globally.

echo ".DS_Store" >> ~/.gitignore
git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore'

Prepare a pull request

  1. Create a pull request from feature/arrow in the GitHub interface. Because you have made a fork, the destination is zengularity/git-workflow, change it to your repository username/git-workflow.

  2. Give it a title resuming your modification.

  3. You can give more information in the description if necessary.

  4. Add a Quality Insurance scenario in the description which indicate precisely the steps to check if your feature is valid or no.


1. Go here and add this,
2. you should see that,
3. etc.

Unfortunately, your collaborator is busy

Because you need 1 review, you can’t merge your pull request yet. So, you’re gonna do another thing: refactor the TodoList component.

Create a new branch

You’ll refactor changes from another branch, this will lead to another pull request. This new branch will be based on master, and not on the current feature branch you have been working on.

git checkout master
git checkout -b refactor/todo-list

Refactor (1/2)

Rename todos to items in the TodoList component.

End your day and push a WIP commit

At the end of the day, that’s interesting to push your code even if it’s still WIP.

  1. Stage your files on the refactoring.

  2. Create your WIP commit, you don’t bother with the naming:

git commit -m "WIP"
  1. Push it to origin.

Refactor (2/2)

Rename isCompleted to isDone in the Todo model.

Melt you changes into the WIP commit

  1. Stage your files on the refactoring.

  2. Check that the previous commit is the WIP commit before melting your staged changes into it.

git log -n 1 # Must show the WIP commit
  1. Now that you’re sure that the previous commit is the WIP one, melt your changes into it, and modify the commit message too:
git commit --amend

This command can be used even if there is no actual staged modifications, in order to modify the previous commit message.

Push to origin and create a pull request

  1. Analyze what git status tells you.

  2. Try to push your changes to origin with:

git push origin refactor/todo-list
  1. Because you have modified the branch history that had already been pushed, you have to force your modifications to origin with:
git push --force origin refactor/todo-list

Beware, a force commit is risky, you can loose code in the process.

  1. Create a pull request from the GitHub interface, and think about the title and the description, which should contains a QA. Don’t forget to target your fork and not zengularity/git-workflow.

Review a pull request

Review the refactor pull request of the person on your right. Because you are picky, submit a comment to replace isDone by isFinished and request changes.

Modify your pull request

The person on your left requested changes on you pull request. Because you agree on his comment:

  1. replace isDone by isFinished,
  2. stage your modified files,
  3. create a fix commit,
  4. push it to your branch.

You are creating a fix commit instead of ammending the last one, so that the reviewer will see only new changes and will not have to review everything back again.

Approve the pull request

The person on your right made the changes you requested, you can approve his pull request.

Merge your pull request with squash

Now that your pull request is approved:

  1. click on “merge with squash”,

  2. Prepare a well-formed commit message:

  • The first line is:
    • a summary of your modification,
    • it begins with an action verb.
  • The rest is a detail of your modifications:
    • it can contain a list of modifications begining with - or *,
    • it can link to un issue with its URL.
  1. Merge the pull request and then delete the branch with the provided button.

  2. Check that you can still access to every commit you did in the GitHub interface.

Get the changes on master on your machine

  1. Go to the master branch and get synchronized with origin/master with:
git checkout master
git pull
  1. Check that you refactor is in a single commit on your local master branch.

  2. Delete your feature branch with:

git branch -d refactor/todo-list

Going back to the visualization arrow

You want to merge your visualization arrow feature. Unfortunately, your feature now has conflicts with the master branch. You have the choice between rebasing and merging.

Rebasing vs. merging

You’ll use rebase instead of merge. Instead of having a merge commit, you move the entire branch to begin on the tip of the branch you rebase from. See more details here.

That means:

  • it can be more complex than merging if you have multiple commits,
  • and you have to change the history :
    • you risk (when handling conflicts) to introduce unwanted changes while losing the original (valid) changes forever,
  • but that will lead to a cleaner history,
  • and you’ll avoid strange and repetitive merge conflicts in case you merge multiple times.

Rebase and resolve the conflicts

  1. Go to the feature branch.
git checkout ...
  1. Get remote changes and rebase from master with:
git fetch
git rebase origin/master
  1. All the parts in conflict have been marked on your files, resolve them. You can use:

    • your raw editor,
    • your editor merge tool,
    • git mergetool (with vim, nvim, meld, …).

Finalize the rebase

  1. Add your modified files.

  2. Continue the rebase with:

git rebase --continue

The rebase will continue to be applied on the next commits, but because you have only one commit, the rebase is now done.

  1. Check that the project compiles successfully, and that the visualization arrow still works.

  2. Push force your branch to origin.

Pull request validation

You now have time to check the arrow pull request of the person on your right. Whenever your pull request is validated, merge it.

Being faster with git config aliases

You can add git aliases in .gitconfig, for example:

  tree = log --graph --oneline
  p = push origin HEAD

Read the manual

man git branch
man git rebase



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