borantula / learning-flexbox

One pages that demonstrates flexbox interactively. Me for my own educational purposes.

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I'm Learning Flexbox

I finally decided to take my time to learn Flexbox. Following the table layouts, 960 fixed grids, responsive grids now it is time for flexbox and css grids (not fully supported yet but coming soon!). So it is perfect time to learn Flexbox!

I will first write all properties and explain briefly. Then I'll try to combine those to create more realistic examples.

I'm preparing this material purely for my own educational purposes, you may find more comprehensive tutorials out there but I'll be glad if this also helps you.

Javascript parts written with VueJS, code highlighting done with PrismJS.


One pages that demonstrates flexbox interactively. Me for my own educational purposes.


Language:CSS 41.6%Language:HTML 38.6%Language:JavaScript 19.8%