Box Officed is a website that lists movies according to their revenues, filterable by years and genres.
React app created with create-react-app
, using Redux for state management
and for movie informations
- Select boxes to stay selected between pages
- Display result of filters as a sentence
- Add "hmm that could be" button to save movies in a localstorage list
- Display movie details on detail page
- Store selected movies
- Handle if movie link is directly used
- Put movie names as slug to url
- Add years next to titles
- Add a Random button to filters
- Tidy up reducers and actions
- Write tests
- Move some more api functionality like retrieving genre lists etc to HOC
- Add pagination or lazyload on bottom
- Filtering to create url params to make them indexable
- Create a sitemap
- Clear up some props passed from App to header