bopamo / InceptionV4

Keras implementation of InceptionV4 Paper

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Build Status

Keras implementation of InceptionV4 paper: InceptionV4


  • Keras version update
  • Multi-GPU support
  • Comes with IPYNB file
  • Made UX Better
  • Implemented Tensorboard


Python 3.6+ CUDA and cuDNN required for training.

Clone to the repository and install requirements.

$ git clone
$ cd InceptionV4
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Use .IPYNB file in case you're training it on Google Colaboratory

Split dataset into train and validation partitions


  • # of GPUs

- "-g", "--gpus", default='single', type=int 
  • Train dataset directory

"-train", "--train_dir", type=str, default="train/"
  • Validation dataset directory

"-val", "--val", type=str, default="val/"
  • Checkpoint directory. Default is 'no', in case you're training from scratch

"-c", "--checkpoint", type=str, default="no"
  • # of Classes

"-classes", "--num_classes", type=int, required=True
  • # of Epochs

"-epochs", "--epochs", type=int, default=1000
  • # Steps per epoch

"-steps", "--steps_per_epoch", type=int, default=500
  • Learning Rate

"-lr", "--learning_rate", type=str, default='1e-3'


python3 -g 8 -train train -val val -classes 20 -epochs 100 -steps 500

A little UX

In case you're willing to execute the code on Cloud, and want it to run as a background process, use Nohup for it. Nohup basically runs the code in background, and you can reach it easily, in case you're willing to see the progress.

  • Example to run
nohup python3 -g 8 -train train -val val -classes 20 -epochs 100 -steps 500 &

The Nohup will create nohup.out file.

  • To tail the progress via nohup.out file
tail -f nohup.out
  • To cat the whole progress via nohup.out file
cat nohup.out


Tensorboard will create timestamp directory in logs folder, with the logfile inside.

Run ```tensorboard --logdir logs/'timestamp'/'logfile' to see execute the tensorboard.

  • Little trick

In case you're using Google Colab, Cloud or anything that is not running in your local computer, and you want a shortcut to update the tensorboard in every period, here's a little script for it:

import subprocess
from time import sleep

while True:'scp username@ip_address:~/'path to the logfile' 'path to local folder', shell=True)

The integer in sleep() function is number of seconds. Change it according to your preferences. Run this script in the background, with tensorboard executed, and it'll download the logfile and update it every once in a while. Tensorboard will update graphs by itself.


After nohup is executed, the way to kill the process is via Htop. Make sure to run it as an administrator.

  • Example
 sudo htop
  • List the processes via "S", or - which processes are parent ones. The parent processes will have "R" letter as shown in image, and kill them via F9, and then 9 + Enter.



  1/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:01 - loss: 2.7470 - acc: 0.3125
  2/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:04 - loss: 2.4298 - acc: 0.4062
  3/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:03 - loss: 2.3062 - acc: 0.4167
  4/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:03 - loss: 2.1503 - acc: 0.4453
  5/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:04 - loss: 1.9956 - acc: 0.4875
  6/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:05 - loss: 1.9978 - acc: 0.4948
  7/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:06 - loss: 2.0658 - acc: 0.4777
  8/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:16 - loss: 2.0575 - acc: 0.4844
  9/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:23 - loss: 2.1001 - acc: 0.4792
 10/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:30 - loss: 2.1054 - acc: 0.4781
 11/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:36 - loss: 2.1133 - acc: 0.4773
 12/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:40 - loss: 2.1363 - acc: 0.4740
 13/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:45 - loss: 2.1333 - acc: 0.4760
 14/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:48 - loss: 2.1472 - acc: 0.4732
 15/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:50 - loss: 2.1248 - acc: 0.4813
 16/500 [..............................] - ETA: 4:52 - loss: 2.1280 - acc: 0.4805
 17/500 [>.............................] - ETA: 4:54 - loss: 2.1657 - acc: 0.4706
 18/500 [>.............................] - ETA: 4:55 - loss: 2.1685 - acc: 0.4705
 19/500 [>.............................] - ETA: 4:56 - loss: 2.1693 - acc: 0.4688
 20/500 [>.............................] - ETA: 4:57 - loss: 2.1582 - acc: 0.4734

After finishing training, the model will save the best checkpoint in checkpoints directory.

Special Thanks to @titu1994 for initial implementation





Keras implementation of InceptionV4 Paper

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 63.2%Language:Python 36.8%