boombuler / termui

styleable terminal ui lib

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


License: MIT

TermUI is a styleable UI lib for console applications. It consists of two parts:

  1. the elements which are the controls which build the UI
  2. the css part which allows theming of the elements in a css like manner.


For now there are only a few elements:

  • Text is for basic text output
  • Border draws a border around a given child
  • TextBorder like a border but it also draws some text on the top left corner of the border.
  • TextBox allows the user to enter text.
  • StackPanel stacks multiple children vertical or horizontal
  • Grid a table like layout for multiple children


package main

import (

func main() {
    vPanel := termui.NewStackPanel(termui.Vertical) // create a new panel
        termui.NewText("Hello"),                    // static text "Hello"
        termui.NewTextBox(),                        // and a textbox
        termui.NewText("World"),                    // static text "World"
        termui.NewTextBox(),                        // and another textbox

    termui.Start(vPanel)                            // Start the ui rendering.
    go func() {                                     // Start a message loop for unhandled events.
        for ev := range termui.Events {
            if ev.Type == termbox.EventKey {
                if ev.Key == termbox.KeyEsc {       // If the user press `Esc`:
                    termui.Stop()                   // Stop the UI

    termui.Wait()                                   // Wait for the ui lib to finish.


The style system is a css like engine. As in browsers there are three possible style sources:

  1. UserAgent: The default style for an element. Should be used if you write new elements for this lib.
  2. Designer: The Program specific style. Should be used to set the default style of your program.
  3. User: The User specific style of an element. Can be used to let the user theme the application.

Generating styles

Program style can be pre-parsed and generated via go generate. To enable this feature first run: go install

After doing this you create a css file with the default style of your program:

package main

//go:generate termcssgen -i=style.css -o=style_gen.go -p=main -m=getDefaultStyle

import (

func main() {
    // add more program code here...

to generate the go file with the compiled style you just need to invoke go generate

Userdefined styles

It is also possible to load a style at runtime for example:

package main

import (

func main() {
    vPanel := termui.NewStackPanel(termui.Vertical) // create a new panel
        termui.NewText("Hello"),                    // static text "Hello"
        termui.NewTextBox(),                        // and a textbox
        termui.NewText("World"),                    // static text "World"
        termui.NewTextBox(),                        // and another textbox

    styledef := `
text {
  background: red;
  color: black;

stackpanel > * {
  gravity: right;

textbox:focused {
  background: magenta;
  color: black;
    if parsedStyle, err := parser.Parse([]byte(styledef)); err != nil {
    } else {

    termui.Start(vPanel)                       // Start the ui rendering.
    go func() {                                // Start a message loop for unhandled events.
        for ev := range termui.Events {
            if ev.Type == termbox.EventKey {
                if ev.Key == termbox.KeyEsc {  // If the user press `Esc`:
                    termui.Stop()              // Stop the UI

    termui.Wait()                              // Wait for the ui lib to finish.


  • Examples and documentation
  • Mouse support
  • Grid
    • Fix ColumnSpan and RowSpan to work with auto-width columns
  • More Elements.
    • WrapPanel
    • Button
    • TabControl
  • Modal Dialogs


styleable terminal ui lib

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%