bookwhen / opendata

Documentation, Changelog and Issues related to the Bookwhen RPDE endpoint

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Bookwhen Open Data

Open Data Endpoint


Issues, Questions and Comments

Please raise any issues, questions or comments as a new issue in this repository.

Event Type Data Fields

Data Field Example Value Description
identifiers entry-43434 Entry ID with prefix
name Insanity - Marylebone Mon 6:30pm Entry.Title
description Insanity - Marylebone Mon 6:30pm Entry.Details converted to plane text
beta:formattedDescription Insanity - Marylebone Mon 6:30pm<br/> Entry.Details raw HTML / Markdown
maximumAttendeeCapacity 20 Maximum attendees (include if set)
category [Tag1, Tag2] Tags
location.identifier location-105 Location ID with prefix
location.address St Marylebone Church of England School 64 Marylebone High Street W1U 5BA Address/location (Present if map is shown)
location.geo.latitude 51.4961 Latitude from map marker (Present if map is shown)
location.geo.longitude -0.024559 Longitude from map marker (Present if map is shown)
location.description All members must sign in at school reception Additional location information Tiller Leisure Centre Address/location (Present if map is not shown)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.startDate 2017-07-11 Start date of schedule (Present on recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.endDate 2017-12-31 Repeat until this date, do not include this key if forever (Present on recurring occurrences).
subEvent[].eventSchedule.count 10 Use instaed of endDate if For a number of events (Present on recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.frequency weekly One of minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly (Present on recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.byDay [] Array of days of week with '' prepended (Present on recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.byMonthDay 2 For monthly, same day every month - day of the month. positive integer, 1-31 (Present on recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.startTime 19:00 Start time (Present on recurring occurrences and if not all-day event)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.endTime 20:00 Start time + duration (Present on recurring occurrences and if not all-day event)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.exceptDate [2017-07-18T19:00:00Z, 2017-07-25T19:00:00Z] Exception dates for this schedule (Present on recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].eventSchedule.interval 2 Every X weeks, years etc (Present on recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].startDate 2017-07-25T19:00:00Z Start date/time of event (Present on non-recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].endDate 2017-07-25T20:00:00Z Start date/time of event + duration (Present on non-recurring occurrences)
subEvent[].duration PT60M Duration converted to ISO spec. (Present on non-recurring occurrences)
offer[].name Single Class Membership Booking/ticket type title
offer[].description One off ticket for sale! Additional booking/ticket information
offer[].price 33.00 Price
offer[].priceCurrency GDP Currency price is in.
offer[].validFrom 2017-07-25 Absolute date from when the ticket/booking is available from.
offer[].validThrough 2017-07-25 Absolute date from when the ticket/booking is available to.
offer[].beta:groupTicket.beta:minPeople 2 Minimum people required for group booking.
offer[].beta:groupTicket.beta:maxPeople 5 Maximum people required for group booking.
offer[].beta:groupTicket.beta:course true Is the ticket/booking a course booking.

Event Type Data Fields

Data Field Example Value Description
superEvent.identifier entry-43434 Entry id of event booking belongs to
identifier bookedOccurrence-73 identifier of the booking
startDate 2017-07-25T19:00:00Z Start date of booking
endDate 2017-07-25T20:00:00Z End date of booking
remainingAttendeeCapacity 4 Number of spaces remaining
beta:attendanceCount 3 Number of spaces taken



Date Changes
9/7/2017 Added Event Data Fields
9/7/2017 Added Event Type Data Fields
10/7/2017 Initial version published


Documentation, Changelog and Issues related to the Bookwhen RPDE endpoint