bookie988 / lophttpd

lots of performance (or lots of porn, if you prefer) httpd: Easy, chrooted, fast and simple to use HTTP server for static content.

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lots of performance httpd

Latest version is at:

lophttpd was written to demonstrate (to myself) that it is possible
to have a web-server running in a single thread and handling multiple
connections at the same time. The amount of connections is only limited by the
OS's maximum number of open files per process and by your CPU/network

lophttpd can easily serve 10,000+ clients simulteanously and just
using 70% CPU on an average sized machine (tested on a core i5).

Scheduling of connections is done in user-space by lophttpd. It uses
sendfile(2) call and caching to get its good download performance.

lophttpd can be used to serve heavy loaded sites to deliver static content:
To serve software/package repositories, update servers, content delivery
networks, ISO's, large image and video databases, tar-balls etc.


+ runs as unprived user in a chroot
+ IPv6 ready
+ https support
+ does not require syslogd
+ supports multiple log-providers ("mmap" is very fast)
+ only handles static content (e.g. no CGI scripts etc)
+ runs in a single process
+ multi-core support for Linux
+ integrated auto indexing support
+ integrated vhost support
+ can operate behind reverse proxy with -B
+ can serve block device files (whole HDD's), /sys and /proc files
+ does not need config files and has a quiet mode (Android)
+ native file upload support via PUT (default disabled)

You should run lophttpd as root. Then it chroots itself to the
"-R" parameter given on the command-line and drops the privileges
to that of the user given via "-u". It runs on port "-p".
If you add "-i" to the command-line, it generates an index file
(in memory) for the web-root recursively. The user specified via -u
must have the permissions to walk the web-root, otherwise
you will get wrong results. If you use "-i", you probably want
to copy the icons/ directory to your web-root, to have a pretty
output. The icons are not by me, I grabbed them from some distro
and they seem to be public domain.

Virtual Hosting

"-H" enables vhosts.

For every vhost you need to create a subdir of name


If port is 80 it should be omitted. For example if you
have a vhost and your web-root is /srv/www/htdocs
and you want to use auto-indexing, create the subdir


in /srv/www/htdocs and run

 # ./lhttpd -R /srv/www/htdocs -i -H -p 8080

Users can browse "" then. Whatever they type in the address field
of their browser can be appended to "vhost" and created as a subdir.
lophttpd will serve this as a vhost as long as your DNS resolves
to the IP address where lophttpd is running.

Default log-location is /var/log/lophttpd. If you change this, take care
that your log-file is located outside the chroot cage.

You can run lophttpd as normal user on a port >= 1024, but this is INSECURE!
It does not drop privs/chroot then. The aim is to quickly exchange some
ISO's or tar-balls in a separated, secure LAN between friends.

If you change something in the web-root while lophttpd is running,
e.g. you use auto-indexing and copy new files to web-root or
delete files from there, you need to tell lophttpd by sending
it a SIGUSR1 signal. It will drop its open file caches and
generates new indexes.

General stuff

If lhttpd experiences that the generated indexes exceed a certain limit,
(default 10,000 bytes per dir) it writes the appropriate index.html to disk
inside the directory. It wont overwrite existing files. But creation of
large index files makes sense, otherwise it would need to keep 100's
of MB inside RAM. Since lhttpd is walking the web-root as root when
generating the index, take care that users don't create large FS-trees
so that lhttpd is forced to generate junk.
Generating indexes for large directories, containing 100k of files, can
take some time. If the "-q" parameter is passed, generated indexes
are NOT written to disk and logs are not written. This is to run in a clean
mode on Android devices without leaving any trace if you do forensics
on the device, since lophttpd allows you to download whole partitions
as block devices.

Since version 0.82 lophttpd contains an experimental feature to
speed up logging. Since writing 1000's of logs per second can
be a bottleneck, lophttpd introduces different log providers
which you can choose via -L.
By default it is "file" which means the normal behavior. You can
also say "mmap". Then it is using a mmap-backed buffer which speeds
up logging. "aio" is also supported which uses the POSIX real-time
aio_ calls. However this could lead to drops of messages if
under very heavy load. Remember that lophttpd is still single threaded,
even with different log providers. (For aio to be really
single threaded you may want to check out my Linux aio implementation
since glibc is using pthreads under the hood.)

Multicore support

Since version 0.86 lophttpd supports multi-core setups for Linux.
If run without any -n switch, lophttpd will run one process per core.
You can turn this off by using "-n 1" or you specify the number
of cores you want lophttpd to use. In general, "-n 1" is a good idea,
since even if under heavy load, you rarely need more than one core
for lophttpd.

Since version 0.88 lophttpd has one log-file per core. If you run on two
cores you get "logfile.0" and "logfile.1". This way we avoid file locking.
lophttpd is now also using local-time instead of gmtime in the logs,
so take care to have the right TZ environment variable set when starting
lhttpd or it will use UTC.

If you use multi-core support, every process will have its own cache
for open files and stats. Do not run lhttpd on large read-only directories w/o
index.html and auto-indexing since it needs to keep a big cache about
indexing information in memory then (per core!). This does not happen
if the directory is writable since lophttpd will dump content into a
index.html file if above a certain threshold.


Since version > 0.91 lophttpd also supports IPv6, by simply using "-6"
command-line switch. The default bind goes to "::0" then, so
if you want to bind to a specific IPv6 address, you have to
add -I switch *after* -6. You can either run IPv4 or IPv6 in once
instance, not both. But you can run two lophttpd's: one with IPv4
and one with IPv6 if needed.


If you operate lophhtpd behind a proxy, you can use the '-B string'
argument so it automatically generates <base href="string"> argument
which should be your proxy URL: http://proxy:port/path/.
The base string must end with '/' character and the index which lhttpd
generates is relative to this base. -B makes only sense with -i.

Special files

lophttpd also serves block device files. You need to run it as
root (-u root) or as the user who can open the block dev files. This
is not really for production use, (keep the security implications in mind
if running as root) but its sometimes useful on embedded devices.

As well as device files, lophttpd can serve /proc or /sys file systems.
!!! Be aware about the security consequences and that you sometimes will
get wrong results (proc/<pid> dirs come and go) !!!

Please note that serving /proc, /sys and device files is a special
operation mode and not optimized for thousands of clients (although
its possible to do that) and that some of these files are blocking
so do not try to serve a block device that is a tape drive without a
tape or so. There is no web server which can do that, not even lophttpd.

If your web clients send a lot of requests to non existing files,
e.g. some buggy browsers always request /favicon.ico, no matter of
the base URL, you may consider using '-E' which does not close
the connection after non-fatal errors. That saves overhead of accepting
new connections and can matter if a lot of crippled requests are expected
from legit clients due to buggy browser/setups.

File upload

Lophttpd supports file upload (via PUT method) directly, w/o the need
for external CGI scripts or alike.

On the machine running lophttpd, you have to create a directory
named 'upload' _inside the web-root_ (and inside your vHost setup if any),
which must be owned by the user you run lhttpd as (e.g. 'wwwrun'). Then
start lhttpd like:

# lhttpd -n 1 -i -U /upload

On client side:

$ curl --upload-file /path/to/file

Then, the file is transferred to $WEBROOT/upload/file. If you additionally
start lhttpd with '-r', a random token is appended to the file when its stored.
If you put an empty index.html inside 'upload', outside visitors cannot
download the uploaded file, as they do not know the URL. If you want that
nobody, not even the up-loader can see the URL, you can use '-Q'.
This effectively creates you an upload-only service where you can store
submitted documents which nobody can download.


Since version 0.98, lophttpd supports HTTPS (TLSv1). Just generate
a public/private keypair:

$ openssl genrsa -out serverkey.pem 4096
$ openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -key serverkey.pem -out pubkey.x509

and append "-C pubkey.x509 -K serverkey.pem -p 443" to the lophttpd
commandline. You then either import the X509 certificate into your browser
or let it sign by some CA that is in your browsers CA chain.

If you have ideas and or offer performance/testing environment please
drop me an email: sebastian.krahmer [at] gmail [dot] com :-)


lots of performance (or lots of porn, if you prefer) httpd: Easy, chrooted, fast and simple to use HTTP server for static content.
