book / devel-cover-docker

Creation of Docker images for

Repository from Github https://github.combook/devel-cover-dockerRepository from Github https://github.combook/devel-cover-docker

Devel::Cover Docker

This repository contains Dockerfiles and a script to create the docker images for cpancover.

To build the latest image, run ./BUILD

If you don't have permissions to push the image as user pjcj then edit BUILD to point to a user for whom you do have permissions.

This command will build a docker image for running a Devel::Cover run on a module, and this will be used in

On the cpancover server, check out the version of Devel::Cover you want to use and then follow the instructions in docs/


Creation of Docker images for

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 51.8%Language:Dockerfile 48.2%