bonyadmitr / WeatherApp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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To start project

Enter project folder in terminal and run

chmod +x ./install; ./install

chmod +x needs to unlock custom scrpits.

Without it you will get error: "Permission denied".

./install simply runs the script.

Terminal commands

To get all certificates

bundle e fastlane profiles
# or
bundle e match ... (one of: "development", "appstore", "adhoc")

To synchronize folders and groups in project for development

bundle e fastlane synx
# or
bundle e synx --no-sort-by-name WeatherApp.xcodeproj

Generate app icons

Path for image: fastlane/metadata/app_icon.png

bundle e fastlane appicons

Optimize png images in project folder

# for first run:
chmod +x ./Scripts/; ./Scripts/

# and others:

Update Carthage dependencies and install new ones

bundle e fastlane carthages
# or
carthage update --cache-builds --platform iOS

Install Cocoapods dependencies

bundle e fastlane pods
# or
bundle e pod install

Print code lines count

bundle e fastlane clocc
# or
cloc ./WeatherApp

To do

  • Add Carthage for most Cocoapods dependencies
  • Add Carthage optimization
  • Synchronize Cocoapods and Carthage with one script install
  • add
  • add CI
  • add DI
  • add tests
  • add data bases (core data, realm)
  • add debug screen to change urls



Language:Swift 85.3%Language:Ruby 12.3%Language:Shell 2.4%