This project containers various Dockerfiles, docker-compose files, ans ansible-container files. It's a collection of environments and tools that I use.
- a Docker container meant to act as a DevOps/cloud infrastructure environment. Has multiple DevOps tools, such as AWS CLI, Azure CLI, GCloud, Ansible, Terraform, etc. End result Docker image can be found here.docker-compose
- a collection of docker-compose files, used for testing.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- From the
project directory, setup the environment:
cd containers
- Activate the PIP environment:
source ./env/bin/activate
- Verify ansible-container is active:
ansible-container version
Output should be something like:
Ansible Container, version 0.9.2rc0
See the in the subdirectories for more information on individual projects. In general, it should be the following:
To build the Docker images change to the project, run:
ansible-container build