bollu / monodrone

Formally verified modal monophonic music sequencer

Repository from Github https://github.combollu/monodroneRepository from Github https://github.combollu/monodrone


Features to add

  • Q,W,E,R: set duration to 1,2,3,4.
  • Enter to break a note at a split location. This also lets us easily split a note with enter+backspace+backspace.
  • Have longest height, and use this to resize dynamically. This allows text editor like insert new line and delete line.
  • Place replay markers on top and bottom of file.

Introduction to Counterpoint


Formally verified modal monophonic music sequencer


Language:TeX 78.6%Language:Rust 16.5%Language:Python 3.9%Language:C 0.4%Language:Lean 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Nix 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Perl 0.0%