bokuweb / zstd-wasm

Zstandard for browser, Node.js and Deno

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Zstandard for browser, Node.js and Deno. For now support only simple API.


npm install @bokuweb/zstd-wasm




const { init, compress, decompress } = require('@bokuweb/zstd-wasm');

(async () => {
  await init();
  const compressed = compress(Buffer.from('Hello zstd!!'), 10);
  const res = decompress(compressed);
  Buffer.from(res).toString(); // Hello zstd!!


See also,

import { init, decompress, compress } from '';

await init();
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const buffer = encoder.encode('Hello World');
const compressed = compress(buffer, 10);
const decompressed = decompress(compressed);
const decoder = new TextDecoder();

without bundlers

import { init, compress, decompress } from '@bokuweb/zstd-wasm';

(async () => {
  await init('./zstd.wasm'); // Please deploy `node_modules/@bokuweb/zstd-wasm/lib/wasm/zstd.wasm` to your hosting server.
  const compressed = compress(Buffer.from('Hello zstd!!'), 10);
  const res = decompress(compressed);
  Buffer.from(res).toString(); // Hello zstd!!

with webpack4

We need to use file-loader with webpack4. This is because, webpack doesn’t work well with wasm modules created with Emscripten. See, webpack/webpack#7352

import { init, compress, decompress } from '@bokuweb/zstd-wasm';

(async () => {
  await init();
  const compressed = compress(Buffer.from('Hello zstd!!'), 10);
  const res = decompress(compressed);
  Buffer.from(res).toString(); // Hello zstd!!

In this case, please install file-loader by yourself.

  • webpack.config.js
  // ...snipped
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /zstd\.wasm$/,
        type: 'javascript/auto',
        loader: 'file-loader', // Please use file loader

with webpack5

We need to use Asset Modules with webpack5. This is because, webpack doesn’t work well with wasm modules created with Emscripten. See, webpack/webpack#7352

import { init, compress, decompress } from '@bokuweb/zstd-wasm';

(async () => {
  await init();
  const compressed = compress(Buffer.from('Hello zstd!!'), 10);
  const res = decompress(compressed);
  Buffer.from(res).toString(); // Hello zstd!!
  • webpack.config.js
  // ...snipped
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /zstd\.wasm/,
        type: 'asset/resource',
  // ...snipped

Using dictionary

  1. Create the dictionary

zstd --train FullPathToTrainingSet/* -o dictionaryName

  1. Compress with dictionary
const dict = readFileSync('./dict');
const compressed = compressUsingDict(createCCtx(), buffer, dict, 10);
  1. Decompress with dictionary
const dict = readFileSync('./dict');
const decompressed = decompressUsingDict(createDCtx(), buffer, dict);

See also example


async init(path?: string): Promise

Initialize module. Please specify path to zstd.wasm without bunders on browser.

compress(buffer: ArrayBuffer, compressionLevel?: number): ArrayBuffer

  • buffer: data to compress.
  • compressionLevel: (optional) compression level, default value is 3


const compressed = compress(buffer, 10);

decompress(buffer: ArrayBuffer): ArrayBuffer

  • buffer: data to decompress.


const decompressed = decompress(buffer);

compressUsingDict(cctx: number, buffer: ArrayBuffer, dict: ArrayBuffer, compressionLevel?: number): ArrayBuffer

  • cctx: a pointer to compress context. please create cctx with createCCtx.
  • buffer: data to compress.
  • dict: dictionary data.
  • compressionLevel: (optional) compression level, default value is 3


const dict = readFileSync('./dict');
const compressed = compressUsingDict(createCCtx(), buffer, dict, 10);

createCCtx(): number

  • create a pointer to compress context.

decompressUsingDict(dctx: number, dict: ArrayBuffer): ArrayBuffer

  • dctx: a pointer to decompress context. please create cctx with createDCtx.
  • buffer: data to decompress.
  • dict: dictionary data.


const dict = readFileSync('./dict');
const decompressed = decompressUsingDict(createDCtx(), buffer, dict);

createDCtx(): number

  • create a pointer to decompress context.


TypeScript glue is provided under the MIT License, and the zstd is provided by Facebook under the BSD 3-Clause License.


Zstandard for browser, Node.js and Deno


Language:TypeScript 95.2%Language:JavaScript 4.3%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:Shell 0.2%