boi4 / springer-proceedings-extractor

Extract separate pdf files from a single springer proceedings pdf

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Springer Proceedings Extractor


Don't you love it when you download an article from Springer and suddendly you are greeted with a 200MB PDF with far too many pages?

Me neither! That's why I wrote this little script .


This is a Python script that allows you to extract articles from a Springer Proceedings PDF into separate PDF files.


To use this script, follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that you have Python 3 installed on your system.
  2. Install the required libraries by running the following command in your terminal:
pip install PyPDF2
  1. Run the following command to execute the script:
./ <filename> -f <filter> -o <output_directory>

Replace <filename> with the name of the PDF file you want to extract from. Replace <filter> with an optional case-insensitive regex expression to filter the articles by title. Replace <output_directory> with an optional directory to save the extracted articles. If not provided, a directory will be created using the name of the input file.

The script will parse the PDF file, extract the specified articles, and save them as separate PDF files in the specified output directory.


To extract articles from a PDF file named "proceedings.pdf" and save them in a directory named "articles", you can run the following command:

./ proceedings.pdf -o articles

To extract articles with a specific title pattern, you can provide a filter using the -f option. For example, to extract articles with titles containing the word "machine learning", you can run the following command:

./ proceedings.pdf -f "machine learning"


Extract separate pdf files from a single springer proceedings pdf


Language:Python 100.0%