bogyo / frontend-tech-test

Front-end test repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. clone the repo
  2. npm install in root -> BE app dependencies
  3. npm install in client -> FE app dependencies
  4. npm start in ROOT

It will automatically start the Backend(BE) and Frontend application (FE) as well.
(Small start script added to the root package.json for convenience)

FE port 3000 BE port: 9001

usage and features

  • The user can see his/her tasks in a list, if there is any task.
  • By default there is no tasks in the list.
  • User can add tasks, update/change the existing tasks and delete them.
  • Add task functionality available by clicking the add task button on the screen.
  • Update and delete task functionality is available by clicking on the change/delete icon next the task in the list.
  • clicking to add/update task button should open a modal window, with the related data in case of update
  • modal can be closed by clicking X icon or outside the modal.
  • task will be add by clicking on add/update button in the modal window (if every fields are filled)

short description regarding to the application folder structure and config

  • client: FE application under client/src:
    • component: all components here. In a bigger application it useful to seperate smart/container components from only representational components.
    • actions: actionTypes- actionType constants, tasks - task related actions
    • reducers: index - reducer entry, tasks - task related reducers
    • style: every style related file here (scss, img).
    • test unit tests
  • test folder in root: contains server related unit tests


 Common style files: lowercase (reset, colors, mixins). <br>
 In a bigger application it would be useful to seperate more the style related files and use more mixins.<br>
 Component related style - uppercase, same name as the related component
 every related css property is under a 'block class'(same name as components itself, uppercase, every other css class use lowercase classes.)<br>

I added sass-loader to the default webpack-config (the reason to npm eject needed). Client use "http://localhost:9001/" as BE proxy in local environment (See package.json under client).

The application is responsive. With a bit different layout on smaller screens for convenience (See modal under 768px). I used the same breakpoints as Bootstrap for simplify dev process.

Please note style and responsivity can more refined it is only a prototype application.


  • I wrote some unit test. Please note I tried to add some example on different kind of unit tests. So I did not pay attention too much on test coverage.

  • simple react component test: TaskForm -> TaskForm.test

  • redux action test: actions/tasks -> tasks.actions.test

  • redux reducer test: tasks -> tasks.reduer.test

Running unit tests UI

  • npm test
    (under client folder!)

Running unit tests Server

  • npm run server-test (under root folder)

Additional notes

I used create-react-app as boilerplate.
Possible future development plan:

  • handling errors API (for instance sending special caracters, non existing id etc.) !!!!
  • add error messages !!!
  • add more tests
  • polish style


Front-end test repository


Language:JavaScript 91.9%Language:CSS 6.1%Language:HTML 1.9%