bogdando / ansible-role-tripleo-ci-reproducer

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TripleO CI Reproducer

An Ansible role to start a CI zuul + gerrit environment to test jobs and patches at an openstack tenant or a ready provisioned VMs like libvirt.


Role Variables

  • os_cloud_name -- openstack cloud to use, it has to be defined at clouds.yaml
  • os_centos7_image -- Image to use at centos-7 nodesets, default value is penstack-infra-centos-7
  • os_fedora28_image -- Image to use at fedora-28 nodesets, default value is penstack-infra-centos-7
  • upstream_gerrit_user -- User clone repos from,
  • rdo_gerrit_user -- User clone repos from, default value is ansible_user
  • install_path -- Path to install reproducer, after installation is possible to play with docker-compose commands for more advanced uses, default is ansible_user_dir/tripleo-ci-reproducer/
  • state -- Action to do 'present' to start 'absent' to stop.
  • tripleo_ci_gerrit_key -- ssh key for the tripleo ci gerrit user if present it will be encrypted after zuul starts to be able to run the reproducer job tripleo-ci-reproducer-fedora-28
  • build_zuul and build_nodepool -- Point to a zuul/nodepool version to use with 'version' and 'refspec' example: build_zuul: version: FETCH_HEAD refspec: refs/changes/77/607077/1 build_nodepool: version: HEAD refspec: refs/for/master
  • nodepool_provider -- Type of nodepool provider to use, it has three possible values:
    • openstack: Use an openstack tenant
    • host: Use the host where docker-compose runs
    • libvirt: Start up a pair of libvirt nodes at install and connects nodepool to it
  • zuul_job -- zuul job to executo
  • zuul_job_retries -- wait time for zuul job to start, default "20"
  • zuul_yaml -- zuul config to run it overwrite zuul_job
  • depends_on -- Gerrit reviews to test
  • user_pri_key -- ssh private key to use for the user, default "id_rsa"
  • user_pub_key -- ssh public key to use for the user, default ""
  • ssh_path -- path where the ssh keys are present, default "~/.ssh"
  • launch_job_branch -- branch to launch the job from, default "master"


Inside the role there is a playbook to prepare your machine to run the reproducer, the path is playbooks/tripleo-ci-reproducer/pre.yaml is also running at CI so it's well tested.

Example Playbook

Run standalone job over tripleo noop change

- name: Start reproducer
  hosts: virthost
    zuul_job: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone
    - include_role:
        name: ci-reproducer

Run standalone without tempest towards a noop change

- name: Stop reproducer
  hosts: virthost
      - project:
              - name: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone
                    tempest_run: false
    - include_role:
        name: ci-reproducer
    - ci-reproducer

Run standalone job over stable/rocky

- name: Start reproducer
  hosts: virthost
    zuul_job: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone
    launch_job_branch: stable/rocky
    - include_role:
        name: ci-reproducer

Testing trusted repository changes

When there is required to test change in trusted Zuul repository, the current reproducer can be very useful.

Zuul repositories can be trusted and untrusted [1]. Patches that affect job with secrets submitted to trusted repository can not be tested prior to merge because of security context. That the place when Zuul reproducer comes into play.

In current reproducer code we install custom Gerrit that contains 2 test projects test1 and test2 and config project zuul-config. zuul-config is actual trusted config repository for our setup. It includes some base jobs (not inherited from upstream) and all TripleO CI related code copied from upstream.

In file files/playbooks/add_rdo_config.yml you can see copying files and directories from RDO config repo ( to local zuul-config repository, while secrets are stripped [2]. Eventually we have in zuul-config repo all TripleO related code like periodic jobs, playbooks, roles, etc etc. Now we can change them and test locally.

While we still can't run jobs on patch of config repository even if it's local, we can just merge a patch to zuul-config and then run any job in test1 repository which tests merged changes of zuul-config.

For example the current workflow is recommended for testing ovb-manage role in trusted repository of RDO:

After you set up reproducer with example playbook start.yaml in directory of the reproducer:

- name: Start reproducer
  hosts: localhost

    - name: Start reproducer
        name: "../ansible-role-tripleo-ci-reproducer"
        upstream_gerrit_user: <your_upstream_gerrit_username>
        rdo_gerrit_user: <your_rdo_gerrit_username>

and installing it as:

ansible-playbook -vv start.yaml

you wait until the tenant is up and you can see http://localhost:9000/t/tripleo-ci-reproducer/status up. Now clone the zuul-config repository:

git clone http://localhost:8080/zuul-config

enter zuul-config directory and make all required changed to roles/ovb-manage/. Commit and send to review:

git commit -a -m "Change OVB manage role"
git review

while using admin as Gerrit username.

Afterwards we need to merge it. Let's enter Gerrit by opening in browset http://localhost:8080. Log in to Gerrit by clicking on Sign In and choose admin link on the sing-in page. Now you can view your change in "My changes" of Gerrit. Go to it and approve it by setting +2 and +Verified. After that you can click on button "Submit" and merge your change.

All this Gerrit work can be done alternatively by git command like:

git push -f --set-upstream gerrit +HEAD:master

Update your local zuul-config to see that you have your changed code merged:

cd zuul-config && git pull

If everything is OK, let's run a real OVB job. Clone test1 project:

git clone http://localhost:8080/test1

enter it and create a zuul.yaml file like that:

cd test1 && touch zuul.yaml

Let's populate zuul.yaml file with necessary config to run an OVB job:

- project:
        - tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-test

- job:
    name: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-test
    parent: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001
          username: <your_username_for_rdo_cloud>
          password: <your_password_for_rdo_cloud>
          project_name: <your_username_for_rdo_cloud>
          region_name: regionOne
          identity_api_version: 3
          user_domain_name: Default
          project_domain_name: Default
      key_name: <your_keypair_for_rdo_cloud>
          undercloud_flavor: m1.large
          baremetal_flavor: m1.large
          bmc_flavor: m1.medium
          extra_node_flavor: m1.small
          baremetal_image: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1804_02
      remove_ovb_after_job: true # use false if you need to have all OVB nodes after a job

We use secrets in zuul.yaml because we don't have in our zuul-config repository, when we removed them a few steps ago. Now just commit and push the change while using admin username:

git config --local gitreview.username "admin"
git add *
gc -am "Run OVB change on this job"
git review

Check your Zuul tenant for running job in http://localhost:9000/t/tripleo-ci-reproducer/status. You can open a console to see what is going on there, ssh to node, see logs of zuul-executor container, enable Zuul debug, etc etc. The current running OVB job now uses code you changed in ovb-manage role before and you can test it and debug.

Don't forget to hold the node if you need it (nodepool node, for OVB it's remove_ovb_after_job parameter in zuul.yaml)

docker-compose exec scheduler zuul autohold --tenant tripleo-ci-reproducer --job tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-test --reason debug --project test1

Happy testing!



Author Information

Openstack Tripleo CI Team

[1]: [2]: Secrets from different Zuul system don't make sense, since they can't be decrypted by a different Zuul system.



Language:Python 59.9%Language:Shell 40.1%