boekkooi / tactician-bundle

Bundle to integrate Tactician with Symfony projects

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Symfony2 Bundle for the Tactician library

If you are looking for a Laravel Provider or want to help:


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require league/tactician-bundle "~0.4"

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new League\Tactician\Bundle\TacticianBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Configuring Command Handlers

The most common use case with Tactician is passing a Command to the Command Bus and having it routed to the Command Bus.

Since handlers often have extra dependencies and are best lazily-loaded, you'll want to register them in the service container.

Let's say we have two classes, RegisterUserCommand and RegisterUserHandler. We'll register the Handler in the service container, along with a repository it needs.

    class: Foo\User\RegisterUserHandler
        - '@foo.user.user_repository'

However, we still need to map the Command to the Handler. We can do this by adding a tag to the Handler's DI definition.

The tag should have two attributes: the tag name, which should always be tactician.handler, and the command, which should be FQCN of a Command it can handle.

    class: Foo\User\RegisterUserHandler
        - '@foo.user.user_repository'
        - { name: tactician.handler, command: Foo\User\RegisterUserCommand }

Configuring Middleware

Everything inside Tactician is a middleware plugin. Without any middleware configured, nothing will happen when you pass a command to handle().

By default, the only Middleware enabled is the Command Handler support. You can override this and add your own middleware in the app/config.yml.

                # service ids for all your middlewares, top down. First in, first out.
                - tactician.middleware.locking
                - my.custom.middleware.plugin
                - tactician.middleware.command_handler

Important: Adding your own middleware is absolutely encouraged, just be sure to always add tactician.middleware.command_handler as the final middleware. Otherwise, your commands won't actually be executed.

Check the Tactician docs for more info and a complete list of middleware.

Configuring Command buses

The bundle is pre-configured with a command bus called "default". Which has the service name tactician.commandbus. Some users want to configure more than one command bus though. You can do this via configuration, like so:

                - tactician.middleware.command_handler
                - tactician.middleware.queued_command_handler

The configuration defines two buses: "default" and "queued". These buses will be registered as the tactician.commandbus.default and tactician.commandbus.queued services respectively.

If you want, you can also change which command handler is registered under tactician.commandbus. You can do this by setting the default_bus value in the configuration, like so:

    default_bus: queued
                # ...
                # ...

Extra Bundled Middleware

This bundles ships with a few pre-configured middlewares, they can be enabled using the method above by just listing their ids.

Validator Middleware (tactician.middleware.validator)

The validator middleware will plug into Symfony's Validator (@validator) and will throw and exception if the command is not valid.

Constraints can be added via configuration or annotations like in default Symfony practices, please refer to their docs.

The middleware will throw an InvalidCommandException that will contain the command and the ConstraintViolationList returned by the validator.

Locking Middleware (tactician.middleware.locking)

This middleware is bundled in Tactician, please refer to the official documentation for details.

Command Handler Middleware (tactician.middleware.command_handler)

Always ensure this is the last middleware listed

While not listed this is the core of Tactician and handles executing commands, it should always be enabled.

Customizing the MethodNameInflector used by the tactician.middleware.command_handler middleware

By default the library uses HandleInflector to define the handling method names, which maps to handle().

To use a different inflector you can now pass the service name in the config.


Tactician offers a list of custom Inflectors, these are all supported.

  • tactician.handler.method_name_inflector.handle
  • tactician.handler.method_name_inflector.handle_class_name
  • tactician.handler.method_name_inflector.handle_class_name_without_suffix
  • tactician.handler.method_name_inflector.invoke

Using the Command Bus

Create a service and inject the command bus:

        class: AppBundle\Controller\YourNameController
            - '@tactician.commandbus'

Then party like it's 1994

<?php namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use League\Tactician\CommandBus;
use AppBundle\Commands\DoSomethingCommand;

class YourNameController

    private $commandbus;

    public function __construct( CommandBus $commandbus )
        $this->commandbus = $commandbus;

    public function doSomething()
        $command = new DoSomethingCommand();



$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit


Disclosure information can be found on the main Tactician repo.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Bundle to integrate Tactician with Symfony projects

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%