bocke / ufiformat

My clone of ufiformat repository. Currently only for backup purposes and possible future build patches as it was abandoned by the author.

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Ufiformat - A format utility for USB floppy disk devices.

My clone of ufiformat repository. Currently only for backup purposes and possible future build patches as it was abandoned by the author.


This is a format utility for USB floppy disk devices.

Usage: ufiformat [OPTION]... [DEVICE]
Format a floppy disk in a USB floppy disk DEVICE.

  • -f, --format [SIZE]
    specify format capacity SIZE in KB
    without -f option, the format of the current media will be used
  • -F, --force
    do not perform any safety checks
  • -i, --inquire
    show device information, instead of performing format
    without DEVICE argument, list USB floppy disk devices
  • -v, --verbose
    show detailed output
  • -q, --quiet
    suppress minor output
  • -h, --help
    show this message

NOTE: ufiformat supports only the following format capacities.

  • 1440/1232/1200 (for 2hd disk)
  • 720/640 (for 2dd disk)

The device should also support the capacities, otherwise ufiformat will show an error message.

The above format capacities are predefined in the program, but each usb floppy device also has a limited set of formats (defined internally) that it can format media to. The allowed format capacities are obtained by querying the device, but this only returns the total format capacity and not CHS (cylinder, heads and sectors), hence a mapping is required in the program.

This program is based around the following document:

The original author


My clone of ufiformat repository. Currently only for backup purposes and possible future build patches as it was abandoned by the author.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Shell 44.4%Language:C 29.3%Language:Makefile 21.9%Language:Roff 3.3%Language:M4 1.0%