bobo-zz / ConvLSTM-in-3D-precipitation-nowcasting

An application of ConvLSTM in 3D precipitation nowcasting in Kobe city, Japan

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We implement an application of Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory neural network proposed by Shi et. al, 2015 in 3D precipitation nowcasting in Kobe city, Japan. We show a significant improvement using this method, in comparision with an optical-flow based method of Otsuka et. al, 2016

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Architecture of ConvLSTM


Conditional ConvLSTM: combine with optical-flow based forecasting

Comparision in term of 3 metrics: MSE, B-MSE, threat score CSI

  • Quantitative evaluation

  • Horizotal & Vertical evolution of rainfall


An application of ConvLSTM in 3D precipitation nowcasting in Kobe city, Japan