A canvas renderer using greedy meshed parts in a ViewportFrame to draw efficiently in Roblox. Serves as an alternative to GradientCanvas since that one hits Roblox's UI cap.
Here's ViewportCanvas rendering a 4k image (that's 8,294,400 pixels!) using just 1,176,336 Parts. No UI cap to concern yourself with!
ViewportCanvas.new(ResolutionX: number, ResolutionY: number)
returns a new canvas of the specified resolution
ViewportCanvas.Threshold: number
Defines the greediness of the mesher using CIE76 color distances, should stay between 1 and 30
ViewportCanvas:SetParent(Parent: Instance)
parents the canvas GUI to the passed Instance
ViewportCanvas:SetPixel(X: number, Y: number, Color: Color3)
Sets the color of the canvas specified pixel
renders the canvas based on the set pixels
(It will not automatically render, you must call this method when you've completed your pixel updates)
clears the canvas render
cleans up the canvas and its GUIs
-- Frames
local Demo = script.Parent.Demo
local Ref = script.Parent.Ref
-- Resolution
local ResX, ResY = 16*10, 9*10
-- Create Canvas
local Canvas = require(script.ViewportCanvas).new(ResX, ResY)
-- Draw pixels
for x=1, ResX do
for y=1, ResY do
-- Define color
local color = Color3.fromHSV(x/ResX, y/ResY, 1)
-- Set in canvas
Canvas:SetPixel(x, y, color)
-- Draw naively for reference
local pixel = Instance.new("Frame")
pixel.BorderSizePixel = 0
pixel.BackgroundColor3 = color
pixel.Size = UDim2.fromScale(1/ResX, 1/ResY)
pixel.Position = UDim2.fromScale((1/ResX)*(x-1), (1/ResY)*(y-1))
pixel.Parent = Ref.Holder
-- Render canvas
-- Expose counts
Demo.Info.Text = string.format("%d Part instances (%.1f%% improvement!)", Canvas._ActiveParts, ((ResX*ResY)-Canvas._ActiveParts)/(ResX*ResY)*100)
Ref.Info.Text = string.format("Frames Instances: %d", ResX*ResY)