boalang / study-template

A template for setting up an empirical study utilizing the Boa infrastructure.

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A template for setting up an empirical study utilizing the Boa infrastructure.

Note that a username/password to the Boa website and API are required. You can request one here:

Once you have an API login, edit the file .env and enter your username as BOA_API_USER='<username here>', then save and close the file. We recommend also setting your password in your OS keyring, so you are not prompted to enter it each time a download triggers. To do this, first install the keyring Python package and then run:

keyring set boaapi <username>

where <username> is your Boa username. If you are unable to use the keyring, you can also enter your password into the .env file as BOA_API_PW='<password here>'. Finally, if the script can't find your username and/or password, it will prompt you for it. Note however it will prompt for each file it downloads.


You need a GNU Make compatible build system. Tested on GNU Make 3.81.

Python Requirements

Python 3 is required for all scripts. Tested on Python 3.9.12.

See requirements.txt for the package requirements. To install them, run:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

There are also optional packages you can install to improve the experience.

Optional Python Requirements

If you install tqdm>=4.64.0, some scripts will display a progress bar. This can be very useful when processing extremely large (multi-GB) output files.

If you install keyring>=23.8.2, you can store your API credentials in your OS's keyring. This is more secure than storing it in plaintext in the .env file. If you don't utilize either of those options, it will prompt you for your username/password (once for each output it tries to download!).

See requirements-optional.txt for the package requirements. To install them, run:

pip3 install -r requirements-optional.txt

Adding Queries

All information about what queries to run and where to download output is stored in the study-config.json file. This file is used to automatically create a with make targets for each output file.

All Boa queries must reside under the boa/ folder. There are two sub-folders under the query folder: boa/queries/ and boa/snippets/. boa/queries/ is where you store most of your Boa queries. A few re-usable queries and examples are already provided there.

The boa/snippets/ folder is where the query template system looks for any included files. The template system is described in the next section.

study-config.json Schema

The most important file for your study is the study-config.json configuration file. This file defines all datasets, all queries (and their output file paths), and any template substitutions needed to build the queries.

  "datasets": {
    "custom_name": "Name of Boa Dataset",

The first thing to include is at least one dataset. Datasets are listed in the datasets object. Each dataset must have a unique custom_name. This is the name used to reference the dataset in a query. The value is the name of the Boa dataset, as on the Boa website. You can list as many datasets here as you want.

Listing datasets here makes it easy to repeat a study on a new dataset, as you only need to update a single entry in the JSON file and all queries will pick up the change.

The next object in the study config is the queries object:

  "queries": {
    "kotlin/hashes.txt": {
      "query": "queries/hashes.boa",
      "dataset": "kotlin",
      "processors": {
        "": {
          "output": "data/txt/kotlin/dupes.txt",
          "csv": "kotlin/dupes.csv",
          "cacheclean": [
    "kotlin/rq1.txt": {
      "query": "queries/rq1.boa",
      "dataset": "kotlin",
      "csv": {
        "output": "kotlin/rq1.csv",
        "test": ["3,\\.kts?$"]

This object contains output filenames as keys. Note that all output here is coming from Boa queries, so they are always TXT files stored under data/txt/. You omit that prefix in the file paths listed here. You can include sub-folders if you want.

The values must have, at a minimum, query and dataset keys listing the path to the Boa query stored under boa/ (again, you omit that prefix here, but you can point to any path under that folder) and the name of a dataset defined earlier.

If for some reason you don't want the Boa job to be marked public, you can set the public key to false. By default, all submitted jobs will be marked public after submission.

A query can also indicate if it should be converted to CSV format. Most queries probably want to convert to CSV, so you can easily load the data into Pandas for analysis. This is indicated by adding a csv key. The value is either a string listing the output path for the CSV file (stored in data/csv/, with the prefix omitted here) or an object listing the output path and some optional parameters:

  • test (can be repeated)
    • Add a "column,test" pair, where the given column keeps consuming the row until the given regex test matches. This is useful because the output from Boa does not escape, so if a column (other than the last) contains strings and if those strings wind up having ][ in them (as some filenames do), the conversion script might break and create a jagged CSV table.
  • drop (can be repeated)
    • Drop a column (0-indexed) when converting.
  • header
    • A header row to prepend to the CSV output. Can be useful if you think others might use the generated CSV files outside your own analyses.
  • index
    • Number of indices in the Boa output - if not given, infers from the first line. This is usually not needed.

Finally, a query can also indicate if the script should run on the output file. This is used for queries that output file hashes from Boa, to allow identifying duplicate files (based on matching AST hashes) for later de-duplication during analysis. The value takes the output path where to store the generated TXT file with duplicate hash data (here, you must provide the data/txt/ prefix). It can also provide an optional csv key to convert the generated TXT file into CSV format (with the prefix omitted). An optional cacheclean key allows listing additional cache (Parquet) files to clean up when re-generating this output.

  "substitutions": [
      "target": "{@escape@}",
      "file": "escape.boa"
      "target": "{@project-filter@}",
      "replacement": ""

The next object is the list of global template substitutions. These substitutions are available to every query, but can be overridden by specific queries. See the next section for more details.

  "analyses": {
    "": {
      "input": [

The last object is the list of analysis scripts you want to run. See the section on adding an analysis for more details.

Query Templates

Query templates are defined through a list of substitutions. Substitutions are defined using two keys. The target key is mandatory, containing the text which is replaced in the query. Targets must start with {@ and end with @}. Target names are restricted to alphanumeric characters, and some special characters like -_:.. Then, either replacement or file are used, with replacement providing the text directly, and file being the name of a file under boa/snippets/ which replaces target. Care must be taken to ensure that the query is valid Boa code after substitution is completed.

Before performing substitutions, a substitutions list is constructed, first from local substitutions then from global substitutions. If two substitutions define the same target, the first one defined is used. Substitution will iterate through the substitutions list until a loop has been completed without any substitutions (i.e., a steady state has been reached).

Adding Analyses

There is one sample analysis given in analyses/ This relies on the sample query given in boa/queries/rq1.boa and makes use of de-duplication, which relies (indirectly) on the query given in boa/queries/hashes.boa. This analysis will generate a single result, the table in tables/kotlin/rq1.tex.

The steps to add a new analysis are as follows:

  1. Create a new Boa query (e.g., foo.boa):
    a. Store the file in boa/queries/ - note you can create sub-folders here if you want.
    b. Add any missing common snippets into boa/snippets/.
    c. Add the query into the study-config.json.
    d. Repeat Step 1 as many times as necessary.
  2. Create a new Python script to analyze the data (e.g., in the top folder.
  3. Add a new entry to the study-config.json in the analyses object.
    a. The name of the entry is the script filename (e.g.,, without the analyses/ prefix).
    b. Add an input key, that is an array of CSV filenames that the analysis depends on.

Once this is done, you should be able to run make foo (the target is the name of the script, without the file extension) to run the analysis task, or run make analysis to run all analysis tasks.

Building and the jobs.json Cache

To build, run make. This will submit all queries, download their outputs, convert them (where necessary), and run all analysis tasks to generate the output tables/figures.

As Boa queries are submitted, they are marked public (unless specified not to) and details about the submitted Boa job are cached in jobs.json. This file contains keys that are the name of an output TXT file (without the data/txt/ prefix). The values are the job number and a sha256 hash of the source query (after running through the template engine). The hash is used to determine if the source query has changed and trigger re-submitted it. Otherwise, the downloader will simply grab the output from the job specified.

Configuring Docker Support

The study template has a sample Dockerfile to build a Python-based container that is capable of building the study. You will need to update two things. First, update the version of Python used. Currently, the Dockerfile is set to Python 3.10, so if you used a newer version of Python be sure to update. Try to use a concrete version (e.g., 3.11.2) rather than a generic version. Second, you will want to edit the Makefile to change the name of the generated Docker image. By default, the image will be named "study-template".

Adding a file

Your replication package will need a README file. We provide a template file,, that you can use as a starting point for your package. Just rename the file to and edit accordingly. There are several places with "TODO" notices that you will definitely want to change. And we recommend also adding a section at the end that describes each analysis in a bit more detail.


If you run make package, replication package ZIP files will be generated. It generates three different ZIP files:,, and The first is the main replication package and should include all Boa queries, analysis scripts, support scripts, and additional things like the documentation and Makefile. The second is the contents of the data/txt/ folder, which is the raw outputs from Boa. The third is the processed Parquet file caches.

Most people simply trying to regenerate the tables/figures will only need the first and third files. The file with the full data is typically quite large and only needed if someone plans to extend/enhance the analyses somehow.

Note that the command updates existing ZIP files if they exist, so you can simply re-run it after small changes to a few files and it will update. It will not, however, remove any files from the ZIP files so if you wind up deleting a query/analysis you either need to remove the ZIPs with make clean-zip and regenerate, or manually run the zip command and remove file(s) from the generates ZIPs.

Publishing the Package

Once you have build your replication package, you can also upload it to Zenodo. To do so, you will need to create a .env file with the following contents:

ZENODO_API_TOKEN='<your API token here>'

This requires logging into Zenodo and creating an API token. Be sure to not share the .env file with anyone once you create it! It will not be placed into any ZIP files and is ignored by Git, but you will still want to be careful with it.

Then select an API endpoint. If you want to test creating a Zenodo record you can utilize their sandbox server. Otherwise, use the main server. Note that if you use the sandbox, you need to create a token on that server, as tokens are not shared across the two servers.

To utilize the script, simply run make zenodo.

The metadata for the Zenodo record is stored in the .zenodo.json file. This file can be shared and by default is stored in Git. If one does not exist, the first time you run the command one will be generated and it will stop processing to allow you time to edit it. This file contains the metadata for your record, including things like the title, description, creators, and license info. By default, we selected CC-By-4.0 as the license, so feel free to change it if needed.

For a double-blinded submission, you will want to ensure the creators are listed as anonymous and the access rights set to "open":

    "creators": [
            "affiliation": "Anonymous",
            "name": "Anonymous"

After your paper is published, you can update the metadata and re-run the script to have it publish with your actual author name(s).

For more details on the metadata JSON format, see this link:


There are several make targets to clean up:

  • make clean cleans up some temporary files and analysis outputs
  • make clean-figures removes generated figures (.pdf and .png anywhere in figures/)
  • make clean-tables removes generated tables (.tex anywhere in tables/)
  • make clean-txt removes downloaded TXT files
  • make clean-csv removes generated CSV files
  • make clean-pq removes cached/intermediate Parquet files
  • make clean-zip removes generated ZIP files
  • make clean-all runs all the clean targets


A template for setting up an empirical study utilizing the Boa infrastructure.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 91.0%Language:Makefile 7.2%Language:Dockerfile 1.8%