bnb-chain / bc-snapshots

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




md5sum checksum: d21fe4f5bc84273e08fbab93fca19456


Step 1: Preparation

  • A disk with enough free storage, at least twice the size of the snapshot

Step 2: Download && Uncompress

  • Copy the above snapshot URL
  • Download: wget -O data.tgz "<paste snapshot URL here>" . It will take several hours to download the snapshot, you can put it in the background by nohup wget -O data.tgz "<paste snapshot URL here>" &
  • Uncompress: tar -xvf data.tgz. It will take several hours to uncompress. You can put it in the background by nohup tar -xvf data.tgz &
  • You can combine the above steps by running a script:
wget -O data.tgz "<paste snapshot URL here>"
tar -xvf data.tgz

Step 3: Replace Data

  • Stop the running bc node if you have one by kill {pid}, and make sure the node has shut down
  • Consider backup the original data: mv ${BC_Home_Dir}/data ${BC_Home_Dir}/data_bak
  • Replace the data: mv <uncompressed data dir> ${BC_Home_Dir}/data
  • Start the bc node again and check the logs
