Somewhat fast updating and downdating of Cholesky factors in Python
1. Download or clone the github repository, e.g.
>git clone git://
2. Run install
>cd choldate
>python install
3. I am new to packaging Python modules. If it doesn't work on your system, get in touch and I'll try to help you.
from choldate import cholupdate, choldowndate
import numpy
#Create a random positive definite matrix, V
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(100,10))
V =,X)
#Calculate the upper Cholesky factor, R
R = numpy.linalg.cholesky(V).transpose()
#Create a random update vector, u
u = numpy.random.normal(size=R.shape[0])
#Calculate the updated positive definite matrix, V1, and its Cholesky factor, R1
V1 = V + numpy.outer(u,u)
R1 = numpy.linalg.cholesky(V1).transpose()
#The following is equivalent to the above
R1_ = R.copy()
assert(numpy.all((R1 - R1_)**2 < 1e-16))
#And downdating is the inverse of updating
R_ = R1.copy()
assert(numpy.all((R - R_)**2 < 1e-16))