bmxpert1 / influxdb-ruby

Ruby client for InfluxDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

The official ruby client library for InfluxDB.

Support for InfluxDB v0.8.x is now deprecated. The final version of this library that will support the older InfluxDB interface is v0.1.9, which is available as a gem and tagged on this repository. If you're reading this message, then you should only expect support for InfluxDB v0.9.1 and higher.


$ [sudo] gem install influxdb

Or add it to your Gemfile, etc.


Connecting to a single host:

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = host: ""
# or
influxdb =  # no host given defaults connecting to localhost

Connecting to multiple hosts (with built-in load balancing and failover):

require 'influxdb'

influxdb = hosts: ["", ""]

Create a database:

database = 'site_development'


Delete a database:

database = 'site_development'


List databases:


Create a user for a database:

database = 'site_development'
new_username = 'foo'
new_password = 'bar'
permission = :write

# with all permissions
influxdb.create_database_user(database, new_username, new_password)

# with specified permission - options are: :read, :write, :all
influxdb.create_database_user(database, new_username, new_password, permissions: permission)

Update a user password:

username = 'foo'
new_password = 'bar'

influxdb.update_user_password(username, new_password)

Grant user privileges on database:

username = 'foobar'
database = 'foo'
permission = :read # options are :read, :write, :all

influxdb.grant_user_privileges(username, database, permission)

Revoke user privileges from database:

username = 'foobar'
database = 'foo'
permission = :write # options are :read, :write, :all

influxdb.revoke_user_privileges(username, database, permission)

Delete a user:

username = 'foobar'


List users:


Create cluster admin:

username = 'foobar'
password = 'pwd'

influxdb.create_cluster_admin(username, password)

List cluster admins:


Revoke cluster admin privileges from user:

username = 'foobar'


List continuous queries of a database:

database = 'foo'


Create a continuous query for a database:

database = 'foo'
name = 'clicks_count'
query = 'SELECT COUNT(name) INTO clicksCount_1h FROM clicks GROUP BY time(1h)'

influxdb.create_continuous_query(name, database, query)

Delete a continuous query from a database:

database = 'foo'
name = 'clicks_count'

influxdb.delete_continuous_query(name, database)

List retention policies of a database:

database = 'foo'


Create a retention policy for a database:

database = 'foo'
name = '1h.cpu'
duration = '10m'
replication = 2

influxdb.create_retention_policy(name, database, duration, replication)

Delete a retention policy from a database:

database = 'foo'
name = '1h.cpu'

influxdb.delete_retention_policy(name, database)

Alter a retention policy for a database:

database = 'foo'
name = '1h.cpu'
duration = '10m'
replication = 2

influxdb.alter_retention_policy(name, database, duration, replication)

Write some data:

username = 'foo'
password = 'bar'
database = 'site_development'
name     = 'foobar'

influxdb = database,
                                username: username,
                                password: password

# Enumerator that emits a sine wave
Value = (0..360) {|i| Math.send(:sin, i / 10.0) * 10 }.each

loop do
  data = {
    values: { value: },
    tags: { wave: 'sine' } # tags are optional

  influxdb.write_point(name, data)

  sleep 1

Write data with time precision (precision can be set in 2 ways):

require 'influxdb'

username       = 'foo'
password       = 'bar'
database       = 'site_development'
name           = 'foobar'
time_precision = 's'

# either in the client initialization:
influxdb = database, username: username,
                                          password: password,
                                          time_precision: time_precision

data = {
  values: { value: 0 },
  timestamp: # timestamp is optional, if not provided point will be saved with current time

influxdb.write_point(name, data)

# or in a method call:
influxdb.write_point(name, data, time_precision)

Write data with a specific retention policy:

require 'influxdb'

username  = 'foo'
password  = 'bar'
database  = 'site_development'
name      = 'foobar'
precision = 's'
retention = '1h.cpu'

influxdb = database,
                                username: username,
                                password: password

data = {
  values: { value: 0 },
  tags: { foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' }

influxdb.write_point(name, data, precision, retention)

Write multiple points in a batch (performance boost):

data = [
    series: 'cpu',
    tags: { host: 'server_1', regios: 'us' },
    values: {internal: 5, external: 0.453345}
    series: 'gpu',
    values: {value: 0.9999},


# you can also specify precision in method call

precision = 'm'
influxdb.write_points(data, precision)

Write multiple points in a batch with a specific retention policy:

data = [
    series: 'cpu',
    tags: { host: 'server_1', regios: 'us' },
    values: {internal: 5, external: 0.453345}
    series: 'gpu',
    values: {value: 0.9999},

precision = 'm'
retention = '1h.cpu'
influxdb.write_points(data, precision, retention)

Write asynchronously (note that a retention policy cannot be specified for asynchronous writes):

require 'influxdb'

username = 'foo'
password = 'bar'
database = 'site_development'
name     = 'foobar'

influxdb = database,
                                username: username,
                                password: password,
                                async: true

data = {
  values: { value: 0 },
  tags: { foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' }

influxdb.write_point(name, data)

Write data via UDP (note that a retention policy cannot be specified for UDP writes):

require 'influxdb'
host = ''
port = 4444

influxdb = udp: { host: host, port: port }

name = 'hitchhiker'

data = {
  values: { value: 666 },
  tags: { foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' }

influxdb.write_point(name, data)


username = 'foo'
password = 'bar'
database = 'site_development'

influxdb = database,
                                username: username,
                                password: password

# without a block:
influxdb.query 'select * from time_series_1' # results are grouped by name, but also their tags

# result:
# [{"name"=>"time_series_1", "tags"=>{"region"=>"uk"}, "values"=>[{"time"=>"2015-07-09T09:03:31Z", "count"=>32, "value"=>0.9673}, {"time"=>"2015-07-09T09:03:49Z", "count"=>122, "value"=>0.4444}]},
# {"name"=>"time_series_1", "tags"=>{"region"=>"us"}, "values"=>[{"time"=>"2015-07-09T09:02:54Z", "count"=>55, "value"=>0.4343}]}]

# with a block:
influxdb.query 'select * from time_series_1' do |name, tags, points|
  puts "#{name} [ #{tags} ] => #{points}"

# result:
# time_series_1 [ {"region"=>"uk"} ] => [{"time"=>"2015-07-09T09:03:31Z", "count"=>32, "value"=>0.9673}, {"time"=>"2015-07-09T09:03:49Z", "count"=>122, "value"=>0.4444}]
# time_series_1 [ {"region"=>"us"} ] => [{"time"=>"2015-07-09T09:02:54Z", "count"=>55, "value"=>0.4343}]

If you would rather receive points with integer timestamp, it's possible to set epoch parameter:

# globally, on client initialization:
influxdb = database, epoch: 's'

influxdb.query 'select * from time_series'
# result:
# [{"name"=>"time_series", "tags"=>{"region"=>"uk"}, "values"=>[{"time"=>1438411376, "count"=>32, "value"=>0.9673}]}]

# or for a specific query call:
influxdb.query 'select * from time_series', epoch: 'ms'
# result:
# [{"name"=>"time_series", "tags"=>{"region"=>"uk"}, "values"=>[{"time"=>1438411376000, "count"=>32, "value"=>0.9673}]}]

By default, InfluxDB::Client will denormalize points (received from InfluxDB as columns and rows), if you want to get raw data add denormalize: false to initialization options or to query itself:

influxdb.query 'select * from time_series_1', denormalize: false

# result
[{"name"=>"time_series_1", "tags"=>{"region"=>"uk"}, "columns"=>["time", "count", "value"], "values"=>[["2015-07-09T09:03:31Z", 32, 0.9673], ["2015-07-09T09:03:49Z", 122, 0.4444]]},
 {"name"=>"time_series_1", "tags"=>{"region"=>"us"}, "columns"=>["time", "count", "value"], "values"=>[["2015-07-09T09:02:54Z", 55, 0.4343]]}]

influxdb.query 'select * from time_series_1', denormalize: false do |name, tags, points|
  puts "#{name} [ #{tags} ] => #{points}"

# result:
# time_series_1 [ {"region"=>"uk"} ] => {"columns"=>["time", "count", "value"], "values"=>[["2015-07-09T09:03:31Z", 32, 0.9673], ["2015-07-09T09:03:49Z", 122, 0.4444]]}
# time_series_1 [ {"region"=>"us"} ] => {"columns"=>["time", "count", "value"], "values"=>[["2015-07-09T09:02:54Z", 55, 0.4343]]}

By default, InfluxDB::Client will keep trying to connect to the database when it gets connection denied, if you want to retry a finite number of times (or disable retries altogether), you should pass the :retry value. :retry can be either true, false or an Integer to retry infinite times, disable retries or retry a finite number of times, respectively. 0 is equivalent to false

> require 'influxdb'
=> true

> influxdb = 'database', :retry => 4
=> #<InfluxDB::Client:0x00000002bb5ce0 @database="database", @hosts=["localhost"],
@port=8086, @username="root", @password="root", @use_ssl=false,
@time_precision="s", @initial_delay=0.01, @max_delay=30,
@open_timeout=5, @read_timeout=300, @async=false, @retry=4>

> influxdb.query 'select * from serie limit 1'
E, [2014-06-02T11:04:13.416209 #22825] ERROR -- : [InfluxDB] Failed to
contact host localhost: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known> -
retrying in 0.01s.
E, [2014-06-02T11:04:13.433646 #22825] ERROR -- : [InfluxDB] Failed to
contact host localhost: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known> -
retrying in 0.02s.
E, [2014-06-02T11:04:13.462566 #22825] ERROR -- : [InfluxDB] Failed to
contact host localhost: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known> -
retrying in 0.04s.
E, [2014-06-02T11:04:13.510853 #22825] ERROR -- : [InfluxDB] Failed to
contact host localhost: #<SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known> -
retrying in 0.08s.
SocketError: Tried 4 times to reconnect but failed.

If you pass :retry => -1 it will keep trying forever until it gets the connection.


git clone
cd influxdb-ruby
bundle exec rake


Ruby client for InfluxDB

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%