bmudda / hazelcast-docker-spring-test

Hazelcast Docker with SpringBoot Simple Test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Contains a simple application that starts a hazelcast instance. The main purpose of this is to test hazelcast with spring boot.

  1. Status


This is release candidate code, tested against Hazelcast 3.7+ and Consul v0.7.4 releases


  • 1.0-RC1: Tested against Hazelcast 3.7+ releases, Spring boot 1.4.2.RELEASE
  • 1.0-RC2: Tested against Hazelcast 3.7.3 releases, Spring boot 1.2.5.RELEASE, Consul v0.7.4


Building from source

  • From the root of this project, build a Jar : ./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies -x test


  • Have Consul running and available somewhere on your network, start it such as: (adjust paths below)
consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul -config-dir /path/to/consul.d/ -ui-dir /path/to/consul-web-ui -bind= -client=
  • On your Docker host ensure Registrator is running such as:
docker run -d --name=registrator --net=host --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock  gliderlabs/registrator:latest -ip [DOCKER_HOST_IP] consul://[YOUR_CONSUL_IP]:8500
  • Note the -ip option for Registrator command above is optional. Read the IP and Port section in documentation.

Docker info

To run this application in a docker container use the Dockerfile included in this project to build a docker image.

  • From the root of this project build a docker image : ./gradlew --parallel --refresh-dependencies --configure-on-demand buildTagDockerImage -x test -PimageTag=latest
  • Run the application in a docker container using the following command.
docker run -e "SERVICE_TAGS=dev,myUniqueId001" --rm=true -P hazelcast-docker-spring-test:latest java -DMY_SERVICE_NAME=hazelcast-docker-spring-test -DMY_UNIQUE_TAG=myUniqueId001  -DSERVICE_NAME_STRATEGY=org.bitsofinfo.docker.discovery.registrator.consul.MultiServiceNameSinglePortStrategy -jar /hzdocker/hazelcast-docker-spring-test.jar -consulserverip [YOUR_CONSUL_IP] -consulserverport [YOUR_CONSUL_PORT]


[DOCKER_IMAGE_ID] is the docker image ID that is generated when building docker image. You can find the image id by running docker images from command line. It will output something similar to:

REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
hazelcast-docker-spring-test    latest              98292c7753e3        2 minutes ago       139.8 MB
java                            8u92-jre-alpine     bd8e525f9770        2 weeks ago         107.8 MB
gliderlabs/registrator          latest              3b59190c6c80        10 months ago       23.78 MB

/hzdocker/hazelcast-docker-spring-test.jar is created when building the docker image. Please refer to Dockerfile on line 17.

COPY build/libs/hazelcast-docker-spring-test-1.0-RC1.jar /hzdocker/hazelcast-docker-spring-test.jar

If you have issue with docker host when running the docker image build on Mac, please refer to this github issue: docker for mac 1.12 cannot connect

Specifically, the comment by bitsofinfo solved the problem for me for Mac

brew install socat
nohup socat -4 TCP-LISTEN:2375,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock &


Hazelcast Docker with SpringBoot Simple Test

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 97.9%Language:Shell 2.1%