bmorcos / gtest-example

Example fo using GTest to test C++ code

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GTest Example Repo

This is a simple example repo illustrating how to use GTest to test C++ code. As a demonstration I use a simple class that holds two values and can perform addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division of said values.

GTest (googletest) is a cross-platform testing framework developed by Google to facilitate all sorts of testing for C++. The provided documentation (primer, advanced) for the framework is quite detailed and easy to follow and furthermore, it is used enough that you can find additional solutions from external resources such as stack overflow (when was the last time you hit the SO landing page?).

Note that this is not an exhaustive example, there are many additional features from GTest not show here. For example:

  • global test suite SetUp and TearDown
  • multithreaded testing
  • typed tests (similar to parametric tests, designed for templates)
  • exception/failure testing
  • etc.


This has been developed and tested under Ubuntu 16.04 and the instructions are for the same, it's possible you may need to slightly modify commands for your setup.


We use GCC (specifically g++) to build the C source code. This is likely already installed, but if not it is easy to install with sudo apt install g++.


We use the gcov utility to generate the coverage reports. This is included with GCC so no extra installation is required.


For human readable HTML reports we use the lcov utility on top of the standard gcov. Install with sudo apt install lcov.


We use cmake to facilitate building the test suites. We don't need the very latest version so you can simply install with sudo apt install cmake.


First we get the GTest source code:

sudo apt install libgtest-dev

GTest doesn't come precompiled unfortunately, so we need to build and install the source code:

cd /usr/src/gtest          # Move to source dir
sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt  # Collect everything with cmake
sudo make                  # Comnpile source
sudo cp *.a /usr/lib       # Copy built libraries to lib dir

pre-comit (optional)

This repo also demonstrates the use of C++ pre-commit hooks. First install the utilities themselves:

  • clang-format, for auto formatting the code: sudo apt install clang-format
  • cpplint, for code style: pip install cpplint
  • cppcheck, for checking syntax: sudo apt install cppcheck

Next setup pre-commit itself

  1. Install pre-commit: pip install pre-commit
  2. From the root directory of this repo, setup pre-commit: pre-commit install --install-hooks
  3. Run the hooks: pre-commit run --all-files

Any further commits will also trigger these utilities to run automatically.



It can be difficult to cleanup CMake builds sometimes, so it's recommended to create a separate build directory and work from there.

  1. From the root directory of this repo (gtest-example), create your build directory and move there:

    mkdir _build && cd _build
  2. Run CMake to setup the Makefile:

    cmake ..

    CMake uses the CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory, hence passing the parent directory (..) to cmake.

  3. CMake will have created a Makefile for you. You can now build the test executables:

  4. You will now have several executables named run*Tests, where each executable is associated with a test suite (discussed below). Try running a test suite, for example:


You can easily cleanup build artifacts by removing the entire build directory. For example, from the root directory:

rm -r _build

It is possible to run coverage manually, but it is somewhat tedious. Take a look at the details in the Script section below as well as the script itself for a some more information.


There is a script which builds and runs all tests. After running tests, a summary of the functional tests (pass/fail) and code coverage is printed at the end of the script:


HTML reports

If we include the -report switch with the script, it will also generate HTML reports using lcov and drop the HTML files in the BUILD_DIR directory as <exe name>-html (e.g. runTests-html).

./ -report

View the reports by opening the appropriate <exe name>-html/index.html in your browser.


The script can also accept a -clean flag to remove any generated files. If the clean flag is provided, all other flags are ignored and the script will only execute the cleaning portion of the code, nothing else.

./ -clean


The script creates an out-of-source directory in which to build and run tests, as this is much easier to cleanup since cmake does not provide any clean logic. Inside that directory (BUILD_DIR), the tests are built using cmake followed by make. Next, each of the test executables is run and it's pass/fail status logged in the EXE array. If you are manually checking a specific tests, you can easily run make <exe name> (after running cmake .. in the BUILD_DIR), to build the single executable.

Code coverage info is stored in the same directory as the compiled object files. Each test has it's build files (and coverage files) in $BUILD_DIR/CMakeFiles/<exe name>.dir (e.g. _test-build/CmakeFiles/runTests.dir). We move into the respective object directories, and run gcov to print the simple text coverage reports to the terminal. This command is piped into a series of awk commands which extract the coverage for our easy_math.cpp implementation. The coverage value is logged in the COV array. Coverage can be inspected manually by running the gcov *.gcno command in the appropriate object directory.

Next a summary is printed, pulling results logged in the EXE and COV arrays.

If the -report flag is set, the script will re-enter the object directories ($BUILD_DIR/CMakeFiles/<exe name>.dir) and run lcov and genhtml to create the human readable HTML reports. This can similarly be done manually for individual tests by entering the appropriate object directory and running lcov --capture --directory . --output-file <exe name>.info to grab the gcov info (note, gcov must be run prior to lcov). Then run genhtml <exe name>.info --output-directory <exe name>-html to create the HTML to be opened in the browser.

Test Suites

A brief description of each test suite.

Simple Tests

Executable: runSimpleTests

This test suite implements simple, explicit tests that do not use any additional infrastructure or reusable code.

Failing Tests

Executable: runFailingTests

This test suite is simply to demonstrate the difference between the built in ASSERT_* and EXPECT_* checks. Using EXPECT_* will prompt a non-fatal failure. That is to say any remaining code in the test case will still be executed. Conversely, ASSERT_* checks will cause a fatal failure and the test case is abandoned immediately. In general it makes sense to use EXPECT_ unless there are specific circumstances that warrant abandoning a test mid execution.

Fixture Tests

Executable: runFixtureTests

This test suite demonstrates the use of the simple Test test fixture. Our test fixture, MathsTest is defined in the fixture_tests.h header. The fixture just creates an instance of our EasyMaths class with some hardcoded values to avoid having to duplicate this setup for each of our test cases. In the cpp file we TEST_F to pull our MathsTest fixture from the header. The fixture name incidentally becomes the name of our test suite. Within this test suite we define 4 tests, one for each of our member functions. Since we have access to our local test variables a and b, we can easily access these to calculate an expected value in the test case itself. When running the test suite, notice the output illustrating that the SetUp and TearDown functions from the fixture are automatically run before and after the test case respectively.

Parametric Tests

Executable: runParamTests

Similar to the fixture tests, but using the parametric TestWithParam test fixture. SweepTest is defined in the parametric_tests.h header and is identical to to the one used in the fixture tests except we now have a parameter to be assigned. The TestWithParam class only accepts a single parameter, but we can easily add additional parameters by making the single available test parameter a tuple and unpacking that tuple during the test setup or execution. In the cpp file we now use TEST_P to pull our SweepTest parametric fixture. We also must create a list of parameters with which to run tests by using INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P. These parameter sets are given a name and then tied to the parametric fixture/test suite (i.e. SweepTest). You can have any number of parameter sets for a given test suite but beware if no values are assigned there is no warning or error and the tests will simply be skipped. Parameters can be explicitly specified using the Values wrapper, or combinations of parameters can be exhaustively combined by using the Combine wrapper.

General GTest Notes

  • You don't need to write a main entry point to run GTest. If you link gtest_main during your compile GTest automatically handles this. If you have special circumstances, it is still possible to write your own main though.

  • You typically will want to use the EXPECT_* checks from GTest, but ASSERT_* checks are available if circumstances warrant it.

  • If you are comparing floating point numbers, use the built in EXPECT_FLOAT_* which automatically handles floating point discrepancies.

  • You can pipe a custom error message into the built in checks which can be useful for debugging. The built in checks also do a reasonable job of providing context to failures. The check arguments should passed in expected first, then your value in questions, for example EXPECT_EQ(expected_val, val_under_test) << "Custom message!". Take a look at the output of the failing tests to see this in play:

    /home/ben/git/gtest-example/test/src/failing_tests.cpp:12: Failure
    Value of: pass
      Actual: false
    Expected: true
    >> Expected non-fatal failure!
  • The TEST* macros accept a fixture/suite name and a test case name. The fixture/suite name can and should be reused, but the test case name must be unique. For example TEST_F(FixtureName, TestCaseName){}.


  • Add some functional tests
    • Mock things with FFF (GMock can only do classes, not free functions)
  • Add back templating and run TYPED_TEST


Example fo using GTest to test C++ code

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 69.3%Language:Shell 24.0%Language:CMake 6.7%