bmispelon / trac-github

Trac - GitHub integration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trac - GitHub integration


This Trac plugin performs four functions:

  1. update the local git mirror used by Trac after each push to GitHub, and notify the new changesets to Trac;
  2. authenticate users with their GitHub account;
  3. direct changeset TracLinks to GitHub's repository browser.
  4. sync GitHub teams to Trac permission groups

The notification of new changesets is strictly equivalent to the command described in Trac's setup guide:

trac-admin TRAC_ENV changeset added ...

Each feature is implemented in its own component and can be enabled or disabled (almost) independently.


trac-github requires Trac >= 0.12 and the git plugin.

The git plugin is included in Trac >= 1.0 — you only have to enable it in trac.ini. For Trac 0.12 you have to install it:

pip install git+

Then install trac-github itself:

pip install trac-github

requests_oauthlib is also a requirement if you plan to use GitHubLoginModule:

pip install requests_oauthlib


Warning: the commands below are provided for illustrative purposes. You'll have to adapt them to your setup.

Post-commit hook

tracext.github.GitHubPostCommitHook implements a post-commit hook called by GitHub after each push.

It updates the git mirror used by Trac, triggers a cache update and notifies components of the new changesets. Notifications are used by Trac's commit ticket updater and notifications.

First, you need a mirror of your GitHub repository, writable by the webserver, for Trac's use:

cd /home/trac
git clone --mirror git://<user>/<project>.git
chown -R www-data:www-data <project>.git

Ensure that the user under which your web server runs can update the mirror:

su www-data
git --git-dir=/home/trac/<project>.git remote update --prune

Now edit your trac.ini as follows to configure both the git and the trac-github plugins:

tracext.github.GitHubPostCommitHook = enabled
tracext.github.GitHubMixin = enabled
tracopt.ticket.commit_updater.* = enabled
tracopt.versioncontrol.git.* = enabled

trac_user_rlookup = enabled

repository = <user>/<project>

repository_sync_per_request =   # Trac < 1.2

.dir = /home/trac/<project>.git
.type = git
.sync_per_request = false  # Trac >= 1.2

In Trac 0.12, use tracext.git.* = enabled instead of tracopt.versioncontrol.git.* = enabled.

tracopt.ticket.commit_updater.* activates the commit ticket updater. It isn't required, but it's the most useful feature enabled by trac-github.

The author names that Trac caches are of the pattern Full Name <>. The trac_user_rlookup option enables reverse mapping from email address to Trac user id. This is necessary for commit ticket updater to function, and for [trac] options like show_full_names and show_email_addresses to be effective.

Reload the web server and your repository should appear in Trac.

Perform an initial synchronization of the cache.

trac-admin $env repository resync "(default)"

Note that "(default") will need to be replaced with the repository name if a named repository is used. See the Trac documentation for more information.

Browse to the home page of your project in Trac and append /github to the URL. Append /github/<reponame> if you have a named repository (see multiple repositories). You should see the following message:

Endpoint is ready to accept GitHub notifications.

This is the URL of the endpoint.

If you get a Trac error page saying "No handler matched request to /github" instead, the plugin isn't installed properly. Make sure you've followed the installation instructions correctly and search Trac's logs for errors.

Now go to your project's settings page on GitHub. In the "Webhooks & Services" tab, click "Add webhook". Put the URL of the endpoint in the "Payload URL" field and set the "Content type" to application/json. Click "Add webhook".

If you click on the webhook you just created, at the bottom of the page, you should see that a "ping" payload was successufully delivered to Trac

Optionally, you can run additional actions every time GitHub triggers a webhook by placing a custom executable script at <project>.git/hooks/trac-github-update.


tracext.github.GitHubLoginModule provides authentication through GitHub's OAuth API. It obtains users' names and email addresses after a successful login if they're public and saves them in the preferences.

To use this module, your Trac instance must be served over HTTPS. This is a requirement of the OAuth2 standard.

Go to your accounts settings page on GitHub. From the OAuth Application page, click the Developer applications tab and Register new application. For the "Authorization callback URL", put the URL of the homepage of your project in Trac, starting with https://, and append /github/oauth. In other words, this is the URL of the endpoint you used above plus /oauth Then click Register application.

You're redirected to your newly created application's page, which provides a Client ID and a Client Secret.

Now edit edit trac.ini as follows:

trac.web.auth.LoginModule = disabled
tracext.github.GitHubLoginModule = enabled

client_id = <your Client ID>
client_secret = <your Client Secret>

This example disables trac.web.auth.LoginModule. Otherwise different users could authenticate with the same username through different systems!

If it's impractical to set the Client ID and Client Secret in the Trac configuration file, you have some alternatives:

  • If client_secret matches [A-Z_]+ (uppercase only), trac-github will use the content of the corresponding environment variable as client secret.
  • If client_secret starts with '/' or './', trac-github will interpret it as a file name and use the contents of that file as client secret.
  • If client_secret is anything else, trac-github will use it as is.

By default the preferences will use the public email address of the authenticated GitHub user. If the public email address is not set, the field will be empty. If the email address is important for your Trac installation (for example for notifications), the request_email option can be set to always request access to all email addresses from GitHub. The primary address will be stored in the preferences on the first login.

request_email = true
preferred_email_domain =

if specified, the first address matching the optional preferred_email_domain will be used instead of the primary address.

Note that the Trac mail address will only be initialized on the first login. Users can still change or remove the email address from their Trac account.


tracext.github.GitHubBrowser redirects changeset TracLinks to the GitHub repositor browser. It requires the post-commit hook.

To enable it, edit trac.ini as follows:

trac.versioncontrol.web_ui.browser.BrowserModule = disabled
trac.versioncontrol.web_ui.changeset.ChangesetModule = disabled
trac.versioncontrol.web_ui.log.LogModule = disabled
tracext.github.GitHubBrowser = enabled
tracext.github.GitHubMixin = enabled

Since it replaces standard URLs of Trac, you must disable three components in trac.versioncontrol.web_ui, as shown above.

With the BROWSER_MODULE disabled the BROWSER_VIEW and FILE_VIEW permissions will no longer be available. The permissions are checked when rendering files in the timeline, when [timeline] changeset_show_files is non-zero. Enabling the permission policy will make the list of files visible in the timeline for users that possess CHANGESET_VIEW.

Add the permission policy before DefaultPermissionsPolicy. It is usually correct to make it the first entry in the list.

The following will be correct for a Trac 1.2 installation that had the default value for permission_policies.

permission_policies = GitHubPolicy, ReadonlyWikiPolicy, DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy

Group Synchronization

GitHub teams can be synced to Trac permission groups using tracext.github.GitHubGroupsProvider. It uses a dedicated GitHub user and their personal access token to synchronize group memberships. Note that this user must have permission to read all your organization's teams. Additionally, this module implements a Webhook endpoint to keep the groups synchronized at all times.

Register a new user for the synchronization or re-use an existing bot user. Make sure the bot user has owner privileges for your organization. Go to Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens and click Generate a new token. Make sure read:org under admin:org is checked and submit. Copy the displayed hex string.

Now edit edit trac.ini as follows:

tracext.github.GitHubGroupsProvider = enabled
tracext.github.GitHubMixin = enabled

organization = <your organization name>
username = <your sync user's username>
access_token = <paste the generated access token>

This should give you an initial working synchronization of your organization's teams, but no automatic update. Because the cache does not expire, restarting trac is your only option to force a resync. If the synchronization does not work as expected, enable debug logging in Trac and check the logfile.

Next, you should configure a Webhook to keep your groups up to date. Browse to the home page of your project in Trac and append /github-groups to the URL. You should see the following message:

Endpoint is ready to accept GitHub Organization membership notifications.

This is the URL of the endpoint.

Log in as an organization owner and find the Webhooks panel in the organization's settings. Add a new webhook and use the endpoint URL in the Payload URL field. Use application/json as Content type. Leave the secret empty for now, and select Membership from the list of individual events. Disable the Push event, since this endpoint will not handle it. Add the webhook, open it and check the list of recent deliveries. It should have sent a successful ping event.

Finally, you should secure your webhook. Generate a random shared secret, for example using /dev/urandom and a hash algorithm:

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/stdout bs=16 count=16 | openssl dgst -sha256

Copy the secret, edit trac.ini and add

webhook_secret = <paste the generated secret>

Go to your webook's settings on GitHub again and paste the secret in the Secret field. After saving, select the ping event from the recent deliveries list and click Redeliver to make sure the shared secret works.

The synchronized groups will be named github-${orgname}-${team_slug}, e.g. for the extraordinary league team of the people organization, the group in Trac will be named github-people-extraordinary-league.

An additional github-${orgname} group will contain all members of all teams in your organization. Note that members of your organization that are not part of a team will not be part of this group. This limitation is necessary because GitHub does not (yet) provide a notification mechanism for changes in organization membership.

If you do not want to store the API secrets for access_token and webhook_secret in trac.ini, you can use the same alternatives as for client_id and client_secret documented above.

Advanced setup


By default, trac-github notifies all commits to Trac. But you may not wish to trigger notifications for commits on experimental branches until they're merged, for example.

You can configure trac-github to only notify commits on some branches:

branches = master

You can provide more than one branch name, and you can use shell-style wildcards:

branches = master stable/*

This option also restricts which branches are shown in the timeline.

Besides, trac-github uses relies on the 'distinct' flag set by GitHub to prevent duplicate notifications when you merge branches.

Multiple repositories

If you have multiple repositories, you must tell Trac how they're called on GitHub:

repository = <user>/<project>               # default repository
<reponame>.repository = <user>/<project>    # for each extra repository
<reponame>.branches = <branches>            # optional

When you configure the webhook URLs, append the name used by Trac to identify the repository:


Private repositories

If you're deploying trac-github on a private Trac instance to manage private repositories, you have to take a few extra steps to allow Trac to pull changes from GitHub. The trick is to have Trac authenticate with a SSH key referenced as a deployment key on GitHub.

All the commands shown below must be run by the webserver's user, eg www-data:

$ su www-data

Generate a dedicated SSH key with an empty passphrase and obtain the public key:

$ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_trac
$ cat ~/.ssh/

Make sure you've obtained the public key (.pub). It should begin with ssh-rsa. If you're seeing an armored blob of data, it's the private key!

Go to your project's settings page on GitHub. In the Deploy Keys tab, add the public key.

Edit the SSH configuration for the www-data user:

$ vi ~/.ssh/config

Append the following lines:

Host github-trac
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_trac

Edit the git configuration for the repository:

$ cd /home/trac/<project>.git
$ vi config

Replace in the url parameter by the Host value you've added to the SSH configuration:

url = git@github-trac:<user>/<project>.git

Make sure the authentication works:

$ git remote update --prune

Since GitHub doesn't allow reusing SSH keys across repositories, you have to generate a new key and pick a new Host value for each new repository.


In a virtualenv, install the requirements:

pip install trac
pip install coverage      # if you want to run the tests under coverage
pip install -e .

or, instead of pip install trac:

pip install trac==0.12.7
pip install -e git+

The version of PyGIT bundled with trac-git-plugin doesn't work with the git binary shipped with OS X. To fix it, in the virtualenv, edit src/tracgit/tracext/git/ and replace _, _, version = v.strip().split() with version = v.strip().split()[2].

Run the tests with:


Display Trac's log during the tests with:

./ --with-trac-log

Run the tests under coverage with:

coverage erase
./ --with-coverage
coverage html

If you put a breakpoint in the test suite, you can interact with Trac's web interface at http://localhost:8765/ and with the git repositories through the command line.

Running tracd (TracStandalone) is the most convenient way to develop Trac from your workstation. Your local instance of tracd can be exposed to the internet using ngrok. Download, extract and run ngrok:

unzip ngrok-*.zip
ngrok http 8000 --log ngrok.log

The ngrok window will display a forwarding URL, for example:

Forwarding           -> localhost:8000

The URL will be used for configuring the webhook and will change each time you restart ngrok. See the ngrok docs for additional configuration options.

Run tracd on the port you specified to ngrok:

tracd -r -s -p 8000 /path/to/trac/env

Complete the standard configuration steps in setup. See the Trac docs for additional information on setting up a Trac development environment.

Release Steps

You need to be an owner of the package on PyPI to create a release. The steps assume you've configured a .pypirc file.

  1. Update the changelog.

  2. Set tag_build = in setup.cfg

  3. Create the release:

    $ virtualenv pve
    $ . pve/bin/activate
    $ pip install -U pip wheel setuptools twine
    $ git clone
    $ cd trac-github
    $ git tag <version>
    $ git push --tags
    $ rm -r dist  # if reusing virtualenv, but using a new virtualenv is advised
    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
    $ twine upload dist/*.tar.gz dist/*.whl

Known issues

Once in a while, a notification doesn't appear in Trac.

Usually, that happens when Trac fails to find the commit that triggered the notification, even though it just synchronized the git repository with GitHub.

You can confirm that in your webhook's configuration page on GitHub. Scroll down to "Recent Deliveries" and look at the delivery that failed. In the "Response" tab, you should see a response body such as:

Running hook on (default)
* Updating clone
* Synchronizing with clone
* Unknown commit ...

Simply click "Redeliver". Then missing notification should appear in Trac and the response body should change to:

Running hook on (default)
* Updating clone
* Synchronizing with clone
* Adding commit ...

This problem isn't well understood. It may be related to Trac's access layer for git repositories. If you have an idea to fix it, please submit a patch!


2.4 (not yet released)

  • Fix improperly configured namespace package. (#131)
  • Add configuration option for path prefix of login and logout. (#127)
  • Add GitHubPolicy permission policy to make [timeline] changeset_show_file option work correctly. (#126)


  • Support webhook signature verification for post commit hooks. (#114)
  • Allow passing a GitHub push webhook payload to a custom script per repository that will receive GitHub's JSON on stdin for further postprocessing. (#114)
  • Improve interaction with both GitHub and non-GitHub repositories on a single instance by delegating /changeset to the original ChangesetModule if enabled and the GitHub module did not match. (#110)
  • Optionally request access to non-public email addresses from GitHub and allow selection of an address by specifying a preferred domain. (#105)
  • Support synchronizing GitHub teams to Trac permission groups. (#104)


  • CSRF security fix: add verification of OAuth state parameter.


  • Support reading the GitHub OAuth secret from a file.
  • Trap MissingTokenError and add a warning.


  • Make requests-oauthlib a requirement for GitHubLoginModule.
  • Improve description of functionality provided by plugin.


  • Fix GitHub login failure with recent versions of oauthlib.
  • Fix logout after GitHub login on Trac >= 1.0.2.
  • Update configuration example to reflect Trac's current best practice.
  • Move the project to the trac-hacks organization on GitHub.


  • Make tracext a namespace package to support installation as an egg.
  • Improve responses when there's no repository at a requests's target URL.


  • Fix GitHub login failure when a user has no email on GitHub.


  • Add support for GitHub login.


  • Adapt to GitHub's new webhooks.

When you upgrade from 1.x, you must change your webhooks settings on GitHub to use the application/vnd.github.v3+json format.


  • Add support for cached repositories.


  • Add support for multiple repositories.
  • Add an option to restrict notifications to some branches.
  • Try to avoid duplicate notifications (GitHub doesn't document the payload).
  • Use GitHub's generic webhook URLs.
  • Use a git mirror instead of a bare clone.


  • Public release.


This plugin is released under the BSD license.

It was initially written for Django's Trac. Prominent users include jQuery Trac, jQuery UI Trac and MacPorts Trac.


Trac - GitHub integration

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%