bmark88 / tweeter

A twitter clone project, to help students gain front-end dev chops. Starter (incomplete) code.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tweeter Project

Tweeter is a single-page AJAX-based Twitter clone.

Students will fork and clone this repository, then build upon it to get comfortable with their HTML5, CSS3, JS, and jQuery front-end skills.

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository.
  2. Install dependencies using the npm install command.
  3. Start the web server using the npm run local command. The app will be served at http://localhost:8080/.
  4. Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.


  • Body-parser
  • Chance
  • Md5
  • Express
  • Node 5.10.x or above

Additional features

  • To compose a new tweet, click on "Write a new tweet" in the top right corner of the app. This will drop a text area that you can tweet in.
  • The character limit for a tweet is between 1 and 140 characters. Any other tweets will be rejected!
  • Scroll to the top and bottom of the page by pressing the chicken hatchlings (top left hatchling for scrolling to the bottom, and bottom right for scrolling to the top)

"Screenshot mobile view" "Screenshot desktop view"


A twitter clone project, to help students gain front-end dev chops. Starter (incomplete) code.


Language:JavaScript 54.7%Language:CSS 28.9%Language:HTML 16.3%