blurry-anya / AnyaKononchenko

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi, I'm Anna ✌️

I'm from Ukraine, but now located in Germany. I have a Master in Cybersecurity, but found myself more passionate about Web-Development ✨ My interest in programming was triggered in my University, when I was introduced to a science called steganography - the art of hiding secret messages in the images (both raster and vector graphics).

🔥 Now I'm learning Web-Development and want to become a Full-Stack Developer! 🔥

⚡ love gaming and watching series
📖 reading is our saviour
🤸‍♀️ physical activity as a way to stay mentally stable

🦾 I'm currently working with

HTML5 CSS Bootstrap-5 JavaScript React TypeScript Redux MongoDB Express Netlify

You can review my repos with steganography topic, and also I have English publications about my research (list of them is here)

Feel free to reach me ✌️
