bluelhf / run-paper-maven-plugin

Run Paper is a Maven plugin for running Paper servers

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Run Paper

Run Paper is a Maven plugin for running PaperMC/Paper servers. Its intended purpose is to help with debugging and testing Paper plugins by removing the hassle of building a project and copying artifacts to an external server.

Run Paper was inspired by


To use Run Paper, first add the following repository to your POM:

        <name>Ilari's Project Repository</name>

Then, add this plugin declaration to your POM

        <!-- See below for the configuration to put here -->


By default, Run Paper does not work. For it to work properly, a Minecraft version must be provided. Additionally, Minecraft's end-user licence agreement (EULA) must be accepted.

Here's an example configuration. Only use it if you AGREE to the EULA!


This configuration is doing a few things:

  1. It chooses the Minecraft version 1.19.3.
  2. It accepts the end-user licence agreement.
  3. It tells Run Paper to put the server in the run/ directory.
  4. It adds a JVM flag for debugging.
    • The JVM listens on port 6969 for debugging commands.
    • IDEA shows a prompt in the output when a debugging server is detected. This prompt can be clicked to start the debugger.

Accepted Configuration Parameters

Name Parameter Description Default Additional Information
Server Directory serverDirectory Which directory to place the server in. mc_server Path is relative to the output directory of the project, or target if not specified.
Include Default JVM Flags includeDefaultJvmFlags Whether or not to include the default JVM flags, in addition to any user-specified ones. true
JVM Flags jvmFlags A list of flags to be passed to the server's Java Virtual Machine. None There are some default JVM flags. See includeDefaultJVMFlags for instructions on disabling them.
Include Default Server Flags includeDefaultServerFlags Whether or not to include the default server flags, in addition to any user-specified ones. true
Server Flags serverFlags A list of flags to be passed to the server itself. None There are some default server flags. See includeDefaultServerFlags for instructions on disabling them.
Accept EULA acceptEula Whether or not the Minecraft EULA should be accepted automatically. false Sets the com.mojang.eula.agree property. Can also be accepted using the file that's generated, but the server won't work on first launch.
Plugin Path pluginPath The path to a plugin to be loaded on the server, alongside the server itself. ${}.jar Path is relative to the output directory of the project, or target if not specified. null can be used to disable the feature.

Customising Flags

By default, several options are passed to both the Java Virtual Machine and the Minecraft server that runs on it using flags. The jvmFlags and serverFlags parameters can be used to add to these flags, respectively. Also, the default flags for both the JVM and server can be disabled by setting their respective includeDefaultFlags properties to false.

The JVM Flags

These are options intended for the Java Virtual Machine to process, such as details about how the virtual machine should free up unused memory. Most people don't know or care enough to edit these, so sensible defaults for Paper servers are provided.

The JVM flags can also interact with the server itself, through system properties. These always start with -D. Generally, system properties are reserved for thing that should not be changed without a deep understanding of the workings of the server -- just like the rest of the JVM flags, aside from something like -Xmx.

To get the available JVM flags, Java may be executed as follows:

java --help
java --help-extra

Default JVM Flags

By default, the following command-line flags are passed to the JVM:


These flags are equivalent to Aikar's recommended server flags, barring the following modifications:

  • Addition of -Ddisable.watchdog=true, which disables the Paper watchdog,
  • Removal of -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem, which prevents profilers from discovering the process.
  • -Xm[xs]3G instead of -Xm[xs]10G, for memory-limited development.

The Server Flags

These are options intended for the Minecraft server itself. They are a bit more readily understandable, though some can be quite obscure still. They provide startup-time configuration options to the server, such as where the actual configuration files (like bukkit.yml) are stored. The most common of these is --nogui, which disables the management application included with the server.

To get the available flags, the server JAR file may be executed as follows: java -jar server.jar --help

Default Server Flags

By default, the following command-line flags are passed to the server:


The --nogui flag disables the server's GUI.


Run Paper is a Maven plugin for running Paper servers


Language:Java 100.0%