bluehazetech / angular-compass-seed

Seed project for AngularJS and Sass/Compass.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AngularJS/Compass Seed Project

Initial Setup

Install Bundler and Grunt.

gem install bundler
npm install -g grunt-cli

Clone the project:

git clone

The following commands should be run from the new "angular-compass-seed" folder.

Install all Ruby dependencies defined in Gemfile:

bundle install

Install all nodeJS dependencies defined in package.json:

npm install


For live development:

grunt dev

To render your static file output to the /dist/ directory:

grunt dist

To run Jasmine tests:

grunt test

End to end testing

We recommend using protractor for end-to-end tests. It uses native events and has special features for Angular applications.

Requires a webserver, node.js + ./scripts/web-server.js or your backend server that hosts the angular static files.

  • create your end-to-end tests in test/e2e/scenarios.js
  • serve your project directory with your http/backend server or node.js + scripts/web-server.js
  • to run:
    • run the tests from console with Protractor via scripts/ (on windows: scripts\e2e-test.bat)

Major components:

Directory Layout

app/                --> all of the files to be used in production
  fonts/            --> font files
  images/           --> image files
  partials/             --> angular view partials (partial html templates)
  scripts/          --> javascript files
    controllers/    --> application controllers
    directives/     --> application directives
    filters/        --> custom angular filters
    services/       --> custom angular services
    app.js          --> application
  styles/           --> scss files
    main.scss           --> primary scss file
  vendor/           --> angular and 3rd party javascript libraries
      angular.js        --> the latest angular js
      angular-*.js      --> angular add-on modules
      version.txt       --> version number
  index.html        --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)

config/             --> application and test configurations
  karma.conf.js         --> config file for running unit tests with Karma
  protractor-conf.js    --> config file for running e2e tests with Protractor

scripts/            --> handy shell/js/ruby scripts       --> runs end-to-end tests with Karma (*nix)
  e2e-test.bat      --> runs end-to-end tests with Karma (windows)

test/               --> test source files and libraries
  e2e/              -->
    scenarios.js    --> end-to-end specs
  unit/                     --> unit level specs/tests
    controllers/            --> specs for controllers
    directivess/            --> specs for directives
    filters/                --> specs for filters
    services/               --> specs for services
    angular/                --> angular testing libraries
      angular-mocks.js      --> mocks that replace certain angular services in tests
      angular-scenario.js   --> angular's scenario (end-to-end) test runner library
      version.txt           --> version file


  • Copyright 2014 Blue Haze Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved.


Seed project for AngularJS and Sass/Compass.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 73.7%Language:CSS 22.2%Language:Shell 3.3%Language:Ruby 0.7%