blueberryapps / haystack

Core developer stack for JavaScript applications with server side rendering, code splitting, webpack 3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Haystack CircleCI Dependency Status

Blueberry JS Stack

Create brand new app by:

bash <(curl NEW_PROJECT_NAME


  • install dependencies: yarn
  • start app: yarn start
  • build app: yarn build
  • test app: yarn test


yarn start
open https://localhost:8000

Production Build

  • production build: yarn production:build
  • production server: yarn production:server
  • production build and server: yarn run production


We are using polyfills from and to add new polyfill go to src/server/frontend/Html.react.js and update this line <Script src="" />.


You can set ENV variables from .bash_profile, export NODE_ENV=production, running them inline NODE_ENV=production yarn start or use .env file in project root.

env values default meaning
NODE_ENV development, production development development - hot reload, production - compiled & minified code
APP_ENV development, staging, production development env for APP where it runs
PORT number 8000 which port to use to run server side express App
HTML_ERRORS true enabled by default in production Show nicely formatted html errors for 404 and 500
ROLLBAR_CLIENT_TOKEN string default project in rollbar token for browser error reporting
ROLLBAR_SERVER_TOKEN string default project in rollbar token for server error reporting
GTM_ID string null add this to enable Google Tag Manager
DEBUG_BUNDLE boolean false show webpack BundleAnalyzer
ENABLE_SEARCH_BOTS boolean false for production enable this so your page will be indexed by search bots
FEATURES string '' add comma separated values with names of features


Future toggles

When you need to use feature toggles you can use them like this:

import isFeatureOn from '../common/featureToggl';

isFeatureOn('nameOfFeature'); // returns true/false based on FEATURES enabled

Naming of features snakeCase.

How to enable feature:

FEATURES=featureA,featureB yarn start

Or add feature to cookie named FEATURES with value: featureA,featureB

! Be aware that enabling FEATURES by Cookie will not work with server side rendering and it is not a bug !

Made with love by


Core developer stack for JavaScript applications with server side rendering, code splitting, webpack 3


Language:JavaScript 98.4%Language:Shell 1.6%