区块链资源列表(A curated list of blockchain resources.)
- (IMF) Virtual Currencies and Beyond: Initial Considerations
- (santanderinnoventures)The Fintech 2.0 Paper: rebooting financial services
- (Deloitte)Blockchain Disrupting the Financial Services Industry
- (UK) Distributed ledger technology: Blackett review
- (UN)How Can Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Play a Role in Building Social and Solidarity Finance?
- (DTCC)Embracing Disruption: Tapping the Potential of Distributed Ledgers to Improve the Post-Trade Landscape
- 申万宏源-计算机行业云计算大数据区块链2016:大数据的直立行走,区块链及人工智能-160323
- 申万宏源-区块链和数字货币系列报告之一:入门指南(上);区块链技术颠覆式创新-160322
- 国信证券-互联网行业专题研究:区块链,可代替VISA的低熵新网络-160321
- 国泰君安-信息技术行业区块链技术研究报告:巨头引领变革,区块链大有作为-160224
- 长江证券-信息技术服务行业:区块链专家电话研讨会议纪要-160224
- 兴业证券-计算机行业:区块链与数字货币,原理、特征和构想-160201
- 中金公司-区块链,改变金融业基础架构-160129
- 中金公司-泡沫启示录:区块链,从革新金融到构建自治社会-160129
- 川财证券-区块链技术调研报告之二区块链技术进化论:区块链技术的国内实践和展望-160125
- 中金公司-美国科技观察周报网络电视高歌猛进,区块链异军突起-160124
- 广发证券-机械设备行业科技前沿系列报告之一:区块链,正快速走进公众和政策视野-160124
- 莫尼塔-“区块链技术”系列交流会:区块链在金融及医疗领域概况与展望-160118
- 中信证券-区块链:星星之火,可以燎原-160108
- 川财证券-区块链技术调研报告之一:具有颠覆所有行业的可能性-160112
- 中金公司-美国科技观察周报:创投市场感受加息寒意,区块链革新金融业-151220
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (Textbook)
- Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World
- Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy
- Decentralized Applications: Harnessing Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology
- Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies
- The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order
- 万向区块链实验室云平台BaaS Bitcoin, Ethereum,Bitshares,Factom
- Factom A Scalable Data Layer for the Blockchain
- Ascribe Lock in attribution, securely share and trace where your digital work spreads.
- Proof of Existence Select a document and have it certified in the Bitcoin blockchain.
- Bitproof.io Bitproof created GeniusX, a tool that lets you protect your Intellectual Property.
- BlockNotary Blockchain securely timestamps every interview and protects it from tampering.
- StampD Entrust the Blockchain to notarize proof of ownership of any digital creation.
- Stampery Create an immutable record of existence, integrity and ownership of your documents, business processes and communications.
- LaPreuve (broken link.)
- EternityWall Messages lasting forever
- Tierion Tierion is an engine for collecting data and recording it in the blockchain.
- Virtual-Notary a free and secure electronic attestation service.
- CryptoPublicNotary Block Chain Provenance For Digital Documents.
- Colu Your Assets Made Digital.
- Guardtime A blockchain approach to cybersecurity that ensures the integrity of systems, networks and data at industrial scale.
- Monegraph A content monetization platform using blockchain.
- Uproov Prove your Image, Video, Audio or other files.
- Chronicled 2015.09 Raised $150M, smart tags for authentication sneakers.
- Blockai Claim ownership of your digital creations
- Coinspark Upgrade your bitcoin with messaging and assets
- Coinprism Use the Bitcoin blockchain with any kind of asset
- Everledger an online reputation system for diamonds
- Blockverify.io Blockchain Based Anti-Counterfeit Solution
- Blockcypher/Assets API Assets API using OpenAssets protocol
- 爱立示 无钥签名
- [Numisigh] (http://numisight.com/) Numisight gives you the tools you need to view the forest, the trees, and all the levels of detail in between.
- [BlockSeer] (https://www.blockseer.com/) Bitcoin blockchain analytics
- [Tradle] (http://tradle.io/) extending the bitcoin blockchain to non-financial applications
- Multichain Open platform for building blockchains
- Openchain Blockchain technology for the enterprise
- Eris Industries Eris is free software that allows anyone to build their own secure, low-cost, run-anywhere data infrastructure using blockchain and smart contract technology.
- Linux Foundation Blockchain backed by IBM
- Applied Blockchain consulting company
- Openblockchain Blockchain fabric code
- SIA Enterprise-Grade Collaborative Cloud for Data Storage
- Storj.io Decentralized Cloud Storage. Storj is based on blockchain technology and peer-to-peer protocols to provide the most secure, private, and encrypted cloud storage
- Maidsafe SAFE (Secure Access For Everyone) Network, a new Secure way to access a world of existing apps where the security of your data is put above all else.
- IPFS The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
- Lbry LBRY is a decentralized, censorship-resistant, open-source, peer-to-peer information marketplace and discovery protocol.
- Filecoin Filecoin is a data storage network and electronic currency based on Bitcoin.
- BitID BitID, the "connect with Bitcoin" open protocol
- bitauth Authenticate with web services utilizing the same strategy as Bitcoin.
- GetGems GetGems is a free social messaging app that rewards you for your activity.
- Twister Fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform.
- Blockstack Decentralized DNS for Blockchain Applications