block-m3 / aepp-sdk-net

.NET SDK to interact with the Æternity blockchain

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


.NET SDK to interact with the æternity blockchain

Build status

NuGet Package


    PM> Install-Package aepp-sdk-net

Loosely based on the following sdks:


AEternity >= v5.0.0 & Sophia >= v4.0.0

  • All the code is async. But Sync extension methods exists for easy use.
  • Net Standard 2.0. Supports .NET Core 3.0
  • You can use the FlatClient for porting (it maps all the Node/Compiler functions), or the normal client which is fluent and easy to use.
  • OracleService and AsyncOracleService provides a background service capable of running an oracle.
  • Clients Configuration constructor can use IConfiguration and ILogger for dependency injection on ASP NET projects.
  • OracleService/AsyncOracleService are based on BackgroundService, which can also be used on ASP NET projects as a singleton in the startup.
  • You can subclass the Configuration Class and override GetHttpClient so you can provide a custom HttpClient Factory if needed.
  • The Fluent Client serialize/de-serialize inputs and outputs into .net objects, so you don't have to worry about serializing or de-serializing stuff from contracts or oracles.
  • Several other features, like automanaging of the nonce, Easy checking or waiting for transaction finish, combination functions like MeasureAndCall (Dry & Call), etc.


If you want to use the KeyStore part in mobile apps (Xamarin) there is a compiled version of libsodium in


Add it as native library to your Droid/iOS project.



Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); // You can inject here IConfiguration and ILogger classes.
cfg.NativeMode = true;
cfg.Network = Constants.Network.DEVNET;
Client client = new Client(cf);
Account from = client.ConstructAccount(new BaseKeyPair("79816BBF860B95600DDFABF9D81FEE81BDB30BE823B17D80B9E48BE0A7015ADF"));
BaseKeyPair tokp = BaseKeyPair.Generate();
Account to = client.ConstructAccount(kp);
ulong transfer = (ulong)1m.ToAettos(Unit.AE);
account.SendAmount(to.KeyPair.PublicKey, transfer).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

Name Service

Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); // You can inject here IConfiguration and ILogger classes.
cfg.NativeMode = true;
cfg.Network = Constants.Network.DEVNET;
Client client = new Client(cf);
Random random = new Random();
string domain = "aeternity" + random.Next() + ".test";
Account account = client.ConstructAccount(new BaseKeyPair("79816BBF860B95600DDFABF9D81FEE81BDB30BE823B17D80B9E48BE0A7015ADF"));
PreClaim preclaim = account.PreClaimDomain(domain).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
Claim claim = preclaim.ClaimDomain().WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
claim = claim.Update(10000, 50).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));


Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); // You can inject here IConfiguration and ILogger classes.
cfg.NativeMode = true;
cfg.Network = Constants.Network.DEVNET;
Client client = new Client(cf);
Account account = client.ConstructAccount(new BaseKeyPair("79816BBF860B95600DDFABF9D81FEE81BDB30BE823B17D80B9E48BE0A7015ADF"));
Contract contract = account.ConstructContract(IdentityContractSourceCode); //string containing the contract source
contract.Deploy(0, 0, 2000000000, 100000).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
ContractReturn<int> re = contract.StaticCall<int>("main", 0, 42);
Assert.AreEqual(re.ReturnValue, 42);
Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); // You can inject here IConfiguration and ILogger classes.
cfg.NativeMode = true;
cfg.Network = Constants.Network.DEVNET;
Client client = new Client(cf);
Account account = client.ConstructAccount(new BaseKeyPair("79816BBF860B95600DDFABF9D81FEE81BDB30BE823B17D80B9E48BE0A7015ADF"));
BaseKeyPair rec1 = BaseKeyPair.Generate();
BaseKeyPair rec2 = BaseKeyPair.Generate();
BaseKeyPair rec3 = BaseKeyPair.Generate();
//map(address, int)
Dictionary<string, int> input = new Dictionary<string, int>();
input.Add(rec1.PublicKey, 40);
input.Add(rec2.PublicKey, 40);
input.Add(rec3.PublicKey, 20);
ulong paymentValue = (ulong)1m.ToAettos(Unit.AE);
Contract contract = account.ConstructContract(paymentSplitterSource); //string containing the contract source
contract.MeasureAndDeploy(0, 0, Constants.BaseConstants.MINIMAL_GAS_PRICE, "init", input).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
contract.MeasureAndCall("payAndSplit", Constants.BaseConstants.MINIMAL_GAS_PRICE, paymentValue).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));


public class CityQuery
    public string City { get; set; }

public class TemperatureResponse
    public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }

public class CityTemperatureService : OracleService<CityQuery, TemperatureResponse>
    public override TemperatureResponse Answer(CityQuery ask)
        if (ask.City.ToLowerInvariant() == "montevideo")
            return new TemperatureResponse {TemperatureCelsius = 24};
        if (ask.City.ToLowerInvariant() == "sofia")
            return new TemperatureResponse {TemperatureCelsius = 25};
        return new TemperatureResponse {TemperatureCelsius = 2000};

Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); // You can inject here IConfiguration and ILogger classes.
cfg.NativeMode = true;
cfg.Network = Constants.Network.DEVNET;
Client client = new Client(cf);
Account from = client.ConstructAccount(new BaseKeyPair("79816BBF860B95600DDFABF9D81FEE81BDB30BE823B17D80B9E48BE0A7015ADF"));
BaseKeyPair kp = BaseKeyPair.Generate();
Account oracleaccount = client.ConstructAccount(kp);
ulong transfer = (ulong)1m.ToAettos(Unit.AE);
account.SendAmount(oracleaccount.KeyPair.PublicKey, transfer).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); //Send some money to the oracle

//Server part
OracleServer<CityQuery, TemperatureResponse> server = oracleAccount.RegisterOracle<CityQuery, TemperatureResponse>().WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
CityTemperatureService svc = new CityTemperatureService();
svc.Server = server; //Assign the query to the Service
Task.Factory.StartNew(svc.Start); //Starts the CityTemperature Service, server will run on other thread.

//Client Part
OracleClient<CityQuery, TemperatureResponse> reg = account.GetOracle<CityQuery, TemperatureResponse>(server.OracleId);
TemperatureResponse resp = reg.Ask(new CityQuery {City = "montevideo"}).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
Assert.AreEqual(resp.TemperatureCelsius, 24);
resp = reg.Ask(new CityQuery {City = "sofia"}).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
Assert.AreEqual(resp.TemperatureCelsius, 25);
resp = reg.Ask(new CityQuery {City = "hell"}).WaitForFinish(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
Assert.AreEqual(resp.TemperatureCelsius, 2000);
svc.Stop(); //Stop the service

Integration Testing on Windows 10 and Visual Studio How-To

  1. Install Docker For Windows

  2. Make sure port 80 is not binded in your computer (IIS, Apache, etc).

  3. CD to the root of this project.

  4. type: docker-compose up


  • State Channels are wip, not usable yet. websocket code is not started yet, will wait till LIMA becomes stable.
  • Better error handling.


.NET SDK to interact with the Æternity blockchain

License:ISC License


Language:C# 100.0%