Dwyco Video Chat Client Components
CDC-X (stable)
This repo contains the source and build instructions for:
CDC-X: a video instant messenger using Qt5 (desktop only.)
Phoo: a video instant messenger using Qt5 (desktop and mobile.)
Rando: an anonymous picture exchange app (mobile, android only.)
Selfs: A quick video streamer app not intended for external use (desktop+android).
LH: Lingua Hacka interpreter used for the backend servers.
LHC: Lingua Hacka compiler, compiles LH to C++ (only partially done.)
Misc: an assortment of helpers and bots used by the clients and servers.
Each component needs a slightly different setup in order to compile it. You'll find details for building "cdcx" in "cdcxbld", "phoo" in "phoobld", etc.
Deployment status as of 2021:
CDC-X has been deployed since the 2012, as a replacement for the long-running CDC32.
Rando is deployed in the Google play store as an all-ages app.
Phoo is deployed in alpha for Android on the Google play store.
Selfs is deployed in google play internal testing track, but I'll be a monkey's uncle if I can install it via Play Store. It is deployed currently in a local F-Droid repo instead.
LH is only deployed internally at Dwyco