Home Visit Service is an Elixir/Phoenix application that helps schedule and manage home visits. Members can request visits and assign tasks, while pals can fulfill visit requests based on their availability. The application ensures data consistency using Ecto Multis and provides a user-friendly interface through Phoenix LiveView. Features
Members and pals can register and log in.
Members can request visits and assign tasks to the visit.
Pals can view available visits and fulfill them based on their availability.
The home page adapts based on user type (member or pal).
The application ensures that a pal cannot fulfill a visit if the member doesn't have enough minutes to allocate to it, using Ecto Multis for data consistency.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/user/home_visit_service.git cd home_visit_service
Install dependencies:
mix deps.get
Create and migrate the database:
mix ecto.setup
Install Tailwind CSS:
mix tailwind.install
Start the Phoenix server:
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
in your browser.
"/" : Home page. The content adapts based on the user type (member or pal).
"/visit-request": Members can request visits and assign tasks to the visit.
"/available-visits": Pals can view available visits and choose to fulfill them based on their availability.
If a pal attempts to fulfill a visit where the member doesn't have enough minutes to allocate, the action will not proceed.