- File will be uploaded soon
- Riley : riley.du@gmail.com
- Benson : li_benson12@hotmail.com
- Roger : lhyroger@gmail.com
- Github Markdown Syntax: Link
- Download Install Node js
- Download MongoDB
- Clone repo
- run
npm install --save
- Go to the folder that mongo was installed and run "mongod.exe"
- run
npm start
If you created a new folder, make sure you add a path for it in the tsconfig.json
file so that it will transpile the .ts to .js files.
Open localhost:3000
in your browser
- Assume that we alreay have ideel db creater and local user created
- Start up
- Open Mongo Shell
- run `load("/Users/youruserprofile/iDeel/createDB/createiDeelData.js")
GET /dashboard/jobs/:jobid Get single job information
GET /dashboard/jobs Get list of jobs
POST /dashboard/jobs/ Create job
DELETE /dashboard/jobs/:jobid Delete a specific job
GET /dashboard/ Get home page
PUT /dashboard/jobs/:jobid Update job
GET /dashboard/search Search query
GET /users/:id/info Get single user information
POST /users/:id Create user
GET /users/:id Get specific user
DELETE /users/:id Delete specific user
GET /users Get list of all users
GET /users/bUsers Get list of business users
GET /users/wUsers Get list of worker users
PUT /users/:id/info Update user information