blank1u / headless-web3-provider

Metamask replacement for your E2E tests.

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Headless Web3 Provider

Playwright Tests

Metamask replacement for your E2E tests. Why "headless"? Because it doesn't have a visual interface, reject (or accept) transactions direcly from your code!


npm i -D headless-web3-provider


The library emulates a Web3 wallet behaviour like Metamask. It is useful for E2E testing if your application sends transactions or uses ethereum authentication. The library allows to programatically accept or decline operations (switching a network, connecting a wallet, sending a transaction).

Supported methods

Method Confirmable
eth_getBlockByNumber No
eth_requestAccounts Yes
eth_accounts Yes
eth_chainId No
net_version No
eth_sendTransaction Yes
wallet_addEthereumChain Yes
wallet_switchEthereumChain Yes



Below given a simple example. More complex scenarios you can find in tests/e2e folder.

Setup (add a fixture):

// tests/fixtures.js
import { test as base } from '@playwright/test'
import { injectHeadlessWeb3Provider } from 'headless-web3-provider'

export const test = base.extend({
  signers: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY],
  injectWeb3Provider: async ({ page, signers }, use) => {
    await use((privateKeys = signers) => (
        privateKeys,            // Private keys that you want to use in tests
        1337,                   // Chain ID - 1337 is local dev chain id
        'http://localhost:8545' // RPC URL - all requests are sent to this endpoint


// tests/e2e/example.spec.js
import { test } from '../fixtures'

test('connect the wallet', async ({ page, injectWeb3Provider }) => {
  // Inject window.ethereum instance
  const wallet = await injectWeb3Provider()
  await page.goto('')

  // Request connecting the wallet
  await page.locator('text=Connect').click()

  // You can either authorize or reject the request
  await wallet.authorize(Web3RequestKind.RequestAccounts)

  // Verify if the wallet is really connected
  await test.expect(page.locator('text=Connected')).toBeVisible()
  await test.expect(page.locator('text=0x8b3a08b22d25c60e4b2bfd984e331568eca4c299')).toBeVisible()


Add a helper script for injecting the ethereum provider instance.

// tests/web3-helper.ts
import { Wallet } from 'ethers'
import { makeHeadlessWeb3Provider, Web3ProviderBackend } from 'headless-web3-provider'

export function injectWeb3Provider(): [[Wallet, ...Wallet[]], Web3ProviderBackend] {

  // Dynamically preconfigure the wallets that will be used in tests
  const wallets = Array(2).fill(0).map(() => Wallet.createRandom()) as [Wallet, Wallet]

  // Create the instance
  let web3Manager: Web3ProviderBackend = makeHeadlessWeb3Provider( => wallet.privateKey),
    1337,                   // Chain ID - 1337 is local dev chain id
    'http://localhost:8545' // RPC URL - all requests are sent to this endpoint

  // Expose the instance
  // @ts-ignore-error
  window.ethereum = web3Manager

  // Make it usable in tests
  return [wallets, web3Manager]
// AccountConnect.test.ts
import { act, render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import type { Wallet } from 'ethers'
import { Web3ProviderBackend, Web3RequestKind } from 'headless-web3-provider'
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'
import { injectWeb3Provider } from 'tests/web3-helper' // Our just created helper script
import AccountConnect from './AccountConnect'

describe('<AccountConnect />', () => {
  let wallets: [Wallet, ...Wallet[]]
  let web3Manager: Web3ProviderBackend

  beforeEach(() => {
    // Inject window.ethereum instance
    ;[wallets, web3Manager] = injectWeb3Provider()

  it('renders user address after connecting', async () => {
    render(<AccountConnect />)

    // Request connecting the wallet
    await'button', { name: /connect wallet/i }))

    // Verify if the wallet is NOT yet connected
    await act(async () => {
      // You can either authorize or reject the request
      await web3Manager.authorize(Web3RequestKind.RequestAccounts)

    // Verify if the wallet is connected



Metamask replacement for your E2E tests.


Language:TypeScript 100.0%