Blane Cordes's following
- Aidan Feldmanafeld
- Alex Falexfarrill
- Polina Chebanenkoapoolinaria
- Randall Chincaveman
- Christina Cacioppochristinac
- Chris Wanstrathdefunkt
- Desmond Morrisdesmondmorris
- Damian Galarzadgalarza
- Deepak Jhalanidjhalani
- David Ngodngo
- Drew Rainesdrewr
- edanedan
- EphemeraephemeraHQ
- FoxGlove Securityfoxglovesec
- Fred Georgefredgeorge
- HD Moorehdm
- José Valimjosevalim
- Justin Ridgewelljridgewell
- Kevin ColemanKevinColemanInc
- Lara Schencklaras126
- Lee Misenhimerleestroyer
- Marcin Burylucyoa
- mikeambrosio
- nf
- EthannotEthan
- Rafael Mendonça Françarafaelfranca
- Richard LittauerRichardLitt
- Robert Sosinskirobertsosinski
- Olivier Poitreyrs
- Lebedev KonstantinRubaXa
- Michael Rossettis2t2
- Dan Groshevsi14
- Alan Skorkinskorks
- Pete Songsongpete
- National Institute of Standards and Technologyusnistgov
- Will Jessupwjessup