blakeNaccarato / pylance-stubs-unofficial

Stubs bundled with Pylance for synchronizing CI/CD

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The Pylance extension for VSCode uses pyright for type checking, but its type checking results don't always match a vanilla pyright installation, such as the kind you might have in your CI. Differences arise from the additional type stubs used by Pylance locally, found in ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.vscode-pylance-<RELEASE>/dist (where <RELEASE> is the version of Pylance you have installed).

Most of these differences can be resolved by keeping the contents of the .../dist/bundled/stubs directory in a typings folder in your project, which is where pyright looks for additional type stubs by default. This makes Pylance and vanilla pyright mostly agree with one another, see more detail some discrepancies remain.

Use these stubs

The following process will mostly align the behaviors of pyright running in CI with a local Pylance install by providing similar type stubs to your CI in the form of a submodule.

Please note that these stubs, mirrored from Pylance, inherently lag the latest stubs from upstream sources by a week or more. If you encounter a bug related to any type stubs, consider manually pulling the latest stubs from the related upstream source and checking again before opening an issue. In the case of pandas-dev/pandas-stubs, it is recommended that you pip install pandas-stubs~=#.#.# where #.#.# corresponds to your project's Pandas version.

Add the submodule for the first time in a project

Add this repository as a submodule to the typings folder where pyright expects it to be.

git submodule add typings

Whichever local repo you run this on will get pylance-stubs-unofficial as a submodule in the typings directory, and record HEAD of main as the current commit.

Check out the submodule in other local clones

Other clones of the remote will not populate their submodules by default. If you want typings in your local clones, you'll need to initialize and update your submdodule(s).

git submodule update --init typings

This will initialize submodules and update them to the the commit currently being tracked by your project.

Update submodule to track the latest commit

You will need to periodically bump your typings submodule whenever Pylance releases come out, assuming that I have updated this pylance-stubs-unofficial repo to contain the latest stubs.

git submodule update --init --remote --merge typings

The --remote flag ensures your submodule is updated to track what is presently the HEAD of main in pylance-stubs-unofficial.

Clear the submodule directory in local clones

Note that because the Pylance extension already uses its bundled stubs, it's not typically necessary to keep typings checked out in local clones. If you want to, you can throw away your local copy of typings.

git submodule deinit typings

This will reduce clutter in the Source Control pane of your VSCode UI (after restarting VSCode), by not showing the typings repo there in addition to your main project repo.

Use these stubs in CI

Your GitHub Actions workflow will need to have submodules: true or a similar configuration in order to pull the type stubs into the typings submodule. You can then proceed to install and run pyright, either via NodeJS, nodeenv, or the pyright-action.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          submodules: true
      - run: pyright

How I update these stubs

I update these stubs from the Pylance stubs on my local machine, since I have VSCode installed and Pylance installed locally. The stubs are at ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.vscode-pylance<VERSION>/dist/bundled/stubs, where <VERSION> corresponds to the Pylance extension version I have installed. The script grabs these stubs and pushes them to this repo under a tag matching the <VERSION>, then I manually publish a release in the GitHub UI.

I try to update these stubs weekly. Eventually, I will automate this process in GitHub action so that I don't have to manually push changes. In case this repo falls behind and you need updated stubs, you can use update.ps1 (in PowerShell) to locally bump your stubs, sourced from your very own Pylance installation. A similar thing could be accomplished in a bash script, which I may add if I get around to it. If you'd like to contribute these changes back upstream, feel free to submit a Pull Request (no need to open an Issue ahead of time).

cd typings

More detail

There are still some stubs in .../dist besides the ones kept here, and it's not clear the exact fashion in which they are composed by Pylance. So there will still be a few differences that you will need to troubleshoot. This effort reduces dozens of discrepancies to just one or two in one of my repos, using the data science stack and consisting of ~10k lines. I can get CI to go green by putting # type: ignore on those few remaining issues as they pop up.

There is still the occasional line that fails just locally or on CI, or the other way around. Also since I use the reportUnneccessaryTypeIgnore check, sometimes a local (necessary!) ignore gets flagged as unnecessary in CI. My solution to that is to disable the reportUnneccessaryTypeIgnore check in the entire file where those weird discrepancies pop up (since you can't disable the check line-by-line).

I suspect that the remaining discrepancies lie in the particular details of stub resolution order by Pylance, regarding the other stubs in ~\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.vscode-pylance-<RELEASE>\dist\. I only keep the bundled/stubs bit updated, because it's not clear how the other stub folders in dist are merged/layered. Pyright only has one "layer" of stub finding by default, so Pylance must be doing some magic behind the scenes to compose all the stubs.

I could get my stubs from the upstream source, as the Pylance team gets their stubs from But there is no telling which commit over at corresponds to what is bundled in a given Pylance version, and they curate it in a certain way, so I just scrape Pylance's stubs from my local machine whenever it updates.


Stubs bundled with Pylance for synchronizing CI/CD


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