blake41 / sending-bitcoin-jsong-pb-sf-072618

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sending Bitcoin!

Send 0.04 TBTC to this address muvpVznkBtk8rRSxLRVQRdUhsMjS7aKRne

from ecc import PrivateKey
from helper import decode_base58, p2pkh_script, SIGHASH_ALL
from script import Script
from tx import TxIn, TxOut, Tx

prev_tx = bytes.fromhex('<fill this in>')
prev_index = -1 # FILL THIS IN
target_address = 'muvpVznkBtk8rRSxLRVQRdUhsMjS7aKRne'
target_amount = 0.04
change_address = '<this should be your address>'
change_amount = -1 # CALCULATE THIS
secret = 1800555555518005555555
priv = PrivateKey(secret=secret)

# initialize inputs
# create a new tx input with prev_tx, prev_index, blank script_sig and max sequence

# initialize outputs
# decode the hash160 from the target address
# convert hash160 to p2pkh script
# convert target amount to satoshis (multiply by 100 million)
# create a new tx output for target with amount and script_pubkey
# decode the hash160 from the change address
# convert hash160 to p2pkh script
# convert change amount to satoshis (multiply by 100 million)
# create a new tx output for target with amount and script_pubkey

# create the transaction

# now sign the 0th input with the private key using SIGHASH_ALL using sign_input

# SANITY CHECK: change address corresponds to private key
if priv.point.address(testnet=True) != change_address:
    raise RuntimeError('Private Key does not correspond to Change Address, check priv_key and change_address')

# SANITY CHECK: output's script_pubkey is the same one as your address
if tx_ins[0].script_pubkey(testnet=True).elements[2] != decode_base58(change_address):
    raise RuntimeError('Output is not something you can spend with this private key. Check that the prev_tx and prev_index are correct')

# SANITY CHECK: fee is reasonable
if tx_obj.fee(testnet=True) > 0.05*100000000 or tx_obj.fee(testnet=True) <= 0:
    raise RuntimeError('Check that the change amount is reasonable. Fee is {}'.format(tx_obj.fee()))

# serialize and hex()


Get some testnet coins and spend both outputs (one from your change address and one from the testnet faucet) to muvpVznkBtk8rRSxLRVQRdUhsMjS7aKRne

You can get some free testnet coins at:

# Bonus

from ecc import PrivateKey
from helper import decode_base58, p2pkh_script, SIGHASH_ALL
from script import Script
from tx import TxIn, TxOut, Tx

prev_tx_1 = bytes.fromhex('')
prev_index_1 = -1
prev_tx_2 = bytes.fromhex('')
prev_index_2 = -1
target_address = 'muvpVznkBtk8rRSxLRVQRdUhsMjS7aKRne'
target_amount = -1
secret = 1800555555518005555555
priv = PrivateKey(secret=secret)

# initialize inputs
# create the first tx input with prev_tx_1, prev_index_1, blank script_sig and max sequence
# create the second tx input with prev_tx_2, prev_index_2, blank script_sig and max sequence

# initialize outputs
# decode the hash160 from the target address
# convert hash160 to p2pkh script
# convert target amount to satoshis (multiply by 100 million)
# create a single tx output for target with amount and script_pubkey

# create the transaction

# sign both inputs with the private key using SIGHASH_ALL using sign_input

# SANITY CHECK: output's script_pubkey is the same one as your address
if tx_ins[0].script_pubkey(testnet=True).elements[2] != decode_base58(priv.point.address(testnet=True)):
    raise RuntimeError('Output is not something you can spend with this private key. Check that the prev_tx and prev_index are correct')

# SANITY CHECK: fee is reasonable
if tx_obj.fee(testnet=True) > 0.05*100000000 or tx_obj.fee(testnet=True) <= 0:
    raise RuntimeError('Check that the change amount is reasonable. Fee is {}'.format(tx_obj.fee()))

# serialize and hex()



Language:Python 70.3%Language:Jupyter Notebook 29.7%