bladedancerrr / COMP300023_Revision

COMP30023 (Computer Systems) Revision final exam material.

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COMP300023 Revision 2021

COMP30023 (Computer Systems) Revision for final exam material.

Link to combined slides pdf:

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  • Operating Systems
    • OS as an extended/virtual machine
    • OS as a resource manager
    • Processes
      • Process table and process control blocks
      • Information associated with each process
    • Memory management
      • Swapping
      • Virtual MemoryA,
      • External fragmentation vs. internal fragmentation Rel
      • Memory hierarchy
    • Kernel
    • Kernel Mode vs. User Mode
    • Mode Switching
      • Processor status word and mode bit
    • System calls
      • Types of system calls
    • Process states, creation and termination
    • Threads
      • Performance I/O bound vs. CPU bound
    • User level threads vs. kernel threads -Race conditions & deadlocks
  • Security
    • Goals of security
    • Asymmetric vs. symmetric encryption
    • AES: what are CB & ECB and similarities + differences
    • Symmetric key exchange using public key encryption
    • TLS
    • Diffie-Hellman
      • Perfect forward secrecy
    • MAC
    • Certificates, CAs, verification
  • Networking
    • Internet vs. web
    • E2E vs. P2P
    • Layers in TCP/IP models
    • HTTP
    • Cookies
    • FTP vs. SMTP
    • DNS
    • A, NS, CNAME, MX record types
    • Different types of DNS servers and what type of records they contain
    • TCP vs UDP
    • Multiplexing vs depmultiplexing
    • Reliable data transfer
    • Socket vs. Connection
    • Congestion control
    • What happens with a timeout loss vs. a 3 dupACK loss
    • Slow start vs. congestion avoidance vs. fast recovery (look at graph)
    • Forwarding vs routing
    • NAT/NAPT
    • Subnets
    • IP Fragmentation


COMP30023 (Computer Systems) Revision final exam material.